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The Seven Koans (七つの古則) are several pervasive questions in Kivotos.

General Information[]

Not much is known about the Seven Koans, nor their contents. They are seven questions whose intent are vague and cannot be understood straightforwardly. However, they are often interpreted as questions that relate to many aspects of everyday life.[1] The Seven Koans originated from Kivotos in ancient times.[2]

Thus far, only four koans have been mentioned, with only one having been explored in depth.

The Seven Koans[]

Second Koan: Understanding Incomprehensibility[]

Can understanding that which is incomprehensible, allow us to understand?

~ The Second Koan

Otherwise referred to as "Can we understand by means of the incomprehensible?" in Global, the second koan was first brought up by Rin after being reminded of it when hearing of an epic about a king who unintentionally made an oracle about his kingdom's demise come into fruition. The koan itself is a paradox. If one were to understand something that is incomprehensible, would it still be considered incomprehensible? It would be impossible to understand incomprehensibility as being able to understand it would render it as comprehensible rather than incomprehensible.

The question itself however isn't a complete question. As Rin notes, the koan is grammatically missing an "object." What exactly is one trying to understand? What exactly is being referred to as incomprehensible?

This koan was posed to Rin by the GSC President and was not intended to be a question, and what one believes should be placed inside the koan should be placed inside. The ability for any object to be placed inside the question allows for various interpretations of this particular koan.

For instance, Rin reframes this Koan as: "Can understanding the incomprehensibility of 'others', allow us to understand 'ourselves'?" Otherwise referred to as "By understanding the incomprehensibility of 'others', can we understand 'ourselves'?" in Global.[3]

Fifth Koan: Koan of Paradise[]

Can you prove the truth of those who have reached paradise?

~ The Fifth Koan

This koan was first mentioned by Seia. If paradise is truly paradise, then no one would ever leave it as all their requirements would be satisfied there. If someone left, then it wouldn't have been a true paradise for they weren't satisfied. Therefore, how does one prove the existence of paradise if no one who's truly reached it leaves? In other words, how does one prove that which cannot be proved?[1]

The koan can be interpreted in different ways. One notable instance was when the koan was brought up by Hanako when she was teasing her friend Koharu about the difference between swimsuits and underwear. Despite it being a seemingly unrelated topic, it serves as one interpretation. How does one prove the truth of something if it cannot be proved. In this case, how does one prove if a swimsuit should be called a swimsuit or underwear?

This interpretation later acts as insight for Sensei to give their own answer: "If you believe your bikini bottoms are panties, then they're panties." Although it's a peculiar response, it means that if one believes in something the way they choose to believe it, that something is exactly how they believe it to be. If one believes that bikini bottoms are panties, they are panties. If one believes that the existence of paradise is true, then paradise exists.

"It's impossible to prove others' sincerity from the outside looking in. That's why you have to have faith."

Sixth Koan: Inexistent Truth[]

Is the truth that does not exist really the truth?

~ The Sixth Koan

The Sixth Koan was first mentioned by the Basement Dweller. Not much is known about it, other than that the GSC President was interested in it.[3]

??? Koan: Koan of Jericho[]

Not much is known about the Koan of Jericho, other than that it is a part of the password to the Shittim Chest.[4]


  • A koan is a story, dialogue, question, or statement that is used to test a student's progress in Zen. They are often riddles, puzzles, or paradoxical statements which arouse doubt, assisting the student in unraveling the greater truths about the world and oneself. Though, within Zen itself, koans are not seen as paradoxical questions or riddles, but rather questions with answers. Nonetheless, the common perception of a koan is as an unanswerable question.[5]


V • T • E
  1. 1.0 1.1 Main Story: V3C1E1
  2. Main Story: V3C1E16
  3. 3.0 3.1 Main Story: VFC3E7
  4. Prologue: 2-3
  5. Wikipedia: Koan


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