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Pyahaha~ Don't mind don't mind. We'll never meet the deadline! Y'know what they say? Time is money.

~ Tachibana Nozomi

Tachibana Nozomi (橘ノゾミ) is a non-playable character in Blue Archive who studies in Highlander Railroad Academy.



Nozomi is a member of the Central Control Center, the student council of Highlander. Despite her position, she tends not to take her work seriously and is often causing trouble with her twin sister Tachibana Hikari.


Nozomi is the complete opposite of Tachibana Hikari. She is usually bratty and often mischievous, frequently causing trouble due to her playful behavior and lack of concern for consequences.


Nozomi is small in stature, she has white skin and pointed ears, with a triangular golden earring on her left ear. Her eyes are golden in color, with green hair tied to two pigtails that grow more on the sides. She has bangs on the center of her forehead and a thin black spaded tail.


She has a circular greenish halo with a triangular tips on the right and a hollow arrowhead partially inside the circle on the left. Her halo is a horizontally flipped version of Tachibana Hikari's halo.


Her uniform is a dark blue machinist's uniform, the upper part of the uniform exposes her abdomen and navel, a cap of the same color with gold, white and blue tones, and white leggings. Dark blue boots and white gloves on both hands



  • Her given name is likely in reference to the real-life Nozomi Shinkansen (a.k.a. bullet train) which is the fastest of the three bullet train services that run through the Tokaido and Sanyo lines operated by JR Central and JR West respectively. These lines travel all the way from Tokyo to Fukuoka.


V • T • E NPC
SCHALE SenseiAronaPlana
Angel 24 Sora
GSC GSC PresidentNanagami RinYuragi Momoka
Shiranui KayaIwabitsu AyumuOki AoiHaineSumomo
Abydos Kuchinashi YumeMaster Shiba
Gehenna Hatami ErikaOwner of Suzume
Millennium Nomasa ReiMirai
Trinity Nao
Hyakkiyako Amachi NiyaNanakado AyameGoryou Nagusa
ArataKokurikoYabuki ShuroKuzunohaNyanten-maru
Shanhaijing Urushibara KaguyaShintani KaiPei
Red Winter Miyoshi TakaneAramaki Yakumo
Valkyrie Konoka
SRT Shichido YukinoNikoKurumiOtogi
Kronos Kazemaki MaiKawaru Shinon
Highlander Asagiri SuouTachibana HikariTachibana Nozomi
Wild Hunt Shiina Tsumugi
Other Students Komakaze RabuKiyosumi AkiraKurihama AkemiHorus of DawnSmiling Professor
Other Characters Kaiser PMC PresidentKaiser PMC GeneralKaiser PMC Director
Black SuitMaestroGolconde & DecalcomanieBeatriceUnderground Dweller
Decagrammaton (OhrEinSof)
BarbaraDescartesPhrenapatesThe IridescenceDon Aranchino