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The Street Ghost Troupe (魑魅一座・路上流), or the Street Mouryo on Global, is one of the School Clubs at Hyakkiyako Alliance Academy.



General Information[]

A group who is responsible for disrupting festivals throughout Hyakkiyako district. They first appeared on the event Cherry Blossom Festival, in which Nyanten-maru hired them to disrupt the festival as Nyanten-maru was disappointed to see the festival use Millennium's holographic fireworks technology. They would appear again on An Unconcealed Heart, where they are hired by Amachi Niya to kidnap Ibuki during the show and threatened a diplomatic crisis between Hyakkiyako and Gehenna Academy as a result. Several members of the group were transported to the Millennium Ruins during A Certain Scientific Record of Youth.

In Volume F, they participated in the defense of Hyakkiyako against Nameless Priests alongside Etiquette Training Society and Festival Management Committee. Some time later, in Hyakka Ryōran, they were intending to disrupt the festival as usual before they encountered Goryou Nagusa of Hyakkaryouran Conflict Resolution Council, who came back from the Great Snowfields. They are easily defeated by Nagusa, gaining their ire in the process. Soon after, they began the hunt against her, intending to take revenge. While they are searching for Nagusa, they found another members of Hyakkaryouran, Yukari and Renge. They attacked them both before retreating in front of Sensei. They finally found Nagusa in the night prior to festival and assaulted Nagusa with full force, forcing Sensei and Nagusa to hide. After the assault failed, they almost gave up at their attempt to defeat Nagusa and considered enjoying the festival at last when Yabuki Shuro of Nature's Beauty Club appeared before them, intending to "help" them with the power of One Hundred Ghost Stories. They accepted the request for help and at that moment, Nature's Beauty Club attack against the festival begins.


Arata Street Ghost Arata (Leader)


V • T • E


  • For a long time, despite being a club who is local to Hyakkiyako, no known members besides generic mobs were introduced until Hyakka Ryōran.
  • This group's name is taken from Chimimōryō (魑魅魍魉), which is a Japanese term referring to demons or ghosts of mountains and rivers.


V • T • E Organization
School Clubs
Gehenna Disciplinary CommitteeEmergency Medicine Club
Handyman 68Gourmet Research Society
School Lunch ClubHot Spring Development DepartmentSparkle Club
Millennium VeritasCleaning&ClearingParanormal Affairs Department
Engineering DepartmentGym Training DepartmentGame Development Department
Trinity SisterhoodJustice Realization Committee
Knights HospitallerLibrary CommitteeAfter-School Sweets Club
Trinity Vigilante CrewSupplementary Lesson Department
Hyakkiyako Hyakkaryouran Conflict Resolution CouncilFestival Management Committee
Etiquette Training SocietyNinjutsu Research Department
Street Ghost TroupeNature's Beauty Club
Shanhaijing Xuanwu Merchant AssociationPeking Opera ClubChinese Alchemy Study ClubPlum Blossom Garden
Red Winter Publishing DepartmentPublic Works DepartmentKnowledge Liberation FrontNo. 227 Special Class
Valkyrie Public Security BureauSecurity BureauCommunity Safety BureauLife Safety Bureau
SRT RABBIT PlatoonFOX Platoon
Arius Arius Squad
Kronos Kronos News Club
Student Councils
Schale Icon 1 Prime Student Council Icon
Abydos Icon
Countermeasures Committee
(formerly Abydos Student Council)
Pandemonium Icon
Pandemonium Society
Seminar Icon 2
Tea Party Icon
Tea Party
Hyakkiyako Icon
Yin-Yang Club
Shanhaijing Icon
Xuanlong Office
Red Winter Icon
Red Winter Office
Other Affiliations / Factions
GematriaKaiser CorporationThe Ten ProphetsHelmet Gang
Seven PrisonersCerHapPosNameless Priests