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Super Phenomenon Task Force Logo

The Paranormal Affairs Department (特異現象捜査部), officially translated to English as the Super Phenomenon Task Force (SPTF) in all versions, is one of the School Clubs in Millennium Science School.


A club specially created under Rio's orders to investigate phenomena that are difficult to explain scientifically.

General Information[]

A club created under the orders of Seminar's president, Rio. Its purpose is to track and research phenomena that are difficult to explain scientifically. However, due to a lack of any clear activities, the SPTF had only a single member for a while.

This club is the main focus of Special Operations: Decagrammaton Edition.

After Millennium's communications AI Hub was hacked by an unidentified AI, Himari was transferred to the SPTF from Veritas, by Rio's request, and appointed as the club's president. A temporary room was assigned at first, but after Decagrammaton's invasion of the room and Eimi's destruction of its equipment, a formal clubroom was created, located in an undisclosed area within Millennium. The clubroom's firewalls are designed by none other than Himari herself, and its physical location is known only by its two members and Sensei. According to Himari, it is the safest place in all of Kivotos.

The Super Phenomenon Task Force's current objective is to investigate the Decagrammaton through its ten prophets.


Akeboshi HimariStar IconStar IconStar IconSpecialHimari (President)
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Increases ATK by 105% for 1 ally. Last for 13 sec. 3
N Deals 241% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 30 sec. Decreases EVA by 27.1% (23 sec).
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Increases allies COST REGEN by 20.2%.
Izumimoto EimiStar IconStar IconStar IconStrikerEimi
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Continuously recovers HP by 16.4% and 3.4% of her lost HP for 20 sec. 4
N Deals 564% of ATK as DMG to enemies within a fan-shaped area every 15 sec.
P Increases REC by 26.6%.
Sub Increases CC.RES by 38.3% when HP is 50% or lower.
Asuma TokiStar IconStar IconStar IconStrikerToki (C&C 04)
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX TOKI EX-SKILL⁠ Changes to Abi-Eshuh Mode and increases ATK by 41.8%, ACC by 18.1% and EVA by 12.2%. (Expires after EX-Skill is used 3 times).
BEAM⁠ When using an EX-Skill (5 Cost) after changing, the first two attacks deals 167% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a straight line. The third attack deals 1153% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a straight line and 230% of ATK as DMG to all other enemies. (All 3 attacks ignores 60% of the enemy's DEF).
N Deals 778% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 35 sec. In Abi-Eshuh Mode this attack ignores 60% of the enemy's DEF.
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub While in Abi-Eshuh Mode, each use of EX-Skill grows stronger.
First Use: Deals 25.6% of ATK as DMG.
Second Use: Deals 51.1% of ATK as DMG.
Third Use: Deals 76.7% of ATK as DMG.
(This attack ignores 60% of the enemy's DEF).


Izumimoto Eimi (Swimsuit verStar IconStar IconStar IconSpecialEimi (Swimsuit)
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Moves 6 allies within a round-shaped area to a designated location, then cast 197% of HEAL as a BARRIER. Increases ATK by 12.6% (30 sec). 4
N Increases ATK SPD by 21% of 4 allies every 45 sec (25 sec).
P Increases HEAL by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ally ATK SPD by 17.3%.


V • T • E


  • Himari was originally the president of Veritas before transferring to the SPTF.
    • Eimi was also the only member of the club before Himari joined.
  • Toki was previously the bodyguard of Rio. After the disappearance of Rio and the events of Volume F, she chose to serve under Himari, becoming the third member of SPTF. Her request to transfer to SPTF is rejected by Seminar, however, thus she remains a member of Cleaning&Clearing, becoming the third student to actively participate in two clubs, with her main affiliation remains with the C&C.


V • T • E Organization
School Clubs
Gehenna Disciplinary CommitteeEmergency Medicine Club
Handyman 68Gourmet Research Society
School Lunch ClubHot Spring Development DepartmentSparkle Club
Millennium VeritasCleaning&ClearingParanormal Affairs Department
Engineering DepartmentGym Training DepartmentGame Development Department
Trinity SisterhoodJustice Realization Committee
Knights HospitallerLibrary CommitteeAfter-School Sweets Club
Trinity Vigilante CrewSupplementary Lesson Department
Hyakkiyako Hyakkaryouran Conflict Resolution CouncilFestival Management Committee
Etiquette Training SocietyNinjutsu Research Department
Street Ghost TroupeNature's Beauty Club
Shanhaijing Xuanwu Merchant AssociationPeking Opera ClubChinese Alchemy Study ClubPlum Blossom Garden
Red Winter Publishing DepartmentPublic Works DepartmentKnowledge Liberation FrontNo. 227 Special Class
Valkyrie Public Security BureauSecurity BureauCommunity Safety BureauLife Safety Bureau
SRT RABBIT PlatoonFOX Platoon
Arius Arius Squad
Kronos Kronos News Club
Student Councils
Schale Icon 1 Prime Student Council Icon
Abydos Icon
Countermeasures Committee
(formerly Abydos Student Council)
Pandemonium Icon
Pandemonium Society
Seminar Icon 2
Tea Party Icon
Tea Party
Hyakkiyako Icon
Yin-Yang Club
Shanhaijing Icon
Xuanlong Office
Red Winter Icon
Red Winter Office
Other Affiliations / Factions
GematriaKaiser CorporationThe Ten ProphetsHelmet Gang
Seven PrisonersCerHapPosNameless Priests