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Ninjutsu Research Department (忍術研究部) or Ninjutsu Research Club on Global, is one of the School Clubs in Hyakkiyako Alliance Academy.


An unofficial club dedicated to studying the art of ninjutsu, located in Hyakkiyako's 38th Old School Building.

General Information[]

This club is first mentioned in Cherry Blossom Festival as the club Izuna aspired to join. They are fully introduced during An Unconcealed Heart. In the event, they negotiated with Yin-Yang Club for their club's legitimacy. This is later complicated with kidnapping of Ibuki, which comes as Gehenna's representative during the festival.

In Where All Miracles Begin, they are sent on a mission to the Snowy Mountains. They are attacked by enemies until a reinforcement from Pandemonium Society arrived.

At Hyakka Ryōran, it is implied that this club is rumored to be Yin-Yang Club's secret agency. Later, they appeared to help Sensei and others that got caught in the attack of the festival.

In Get Set, Go! Kivotos Halo Games, they appeared as contestants from Hyakkiyako.

Outside of the game, they are the main cast of Michirucchi.


Chidori MichiruStar IconStrikerMichiru (President)
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Launches fireworks in a straight line and deals 803% of ATK as DMG to the first enemy that's hit. Deals 194% of ATK as continuous BURN DMG. Last for 20 sec. 5
N Increases ATK by 40.6% every 30 sec. Lasts for 20 sec.
P Increases CRIT.DMG by 26.6%.
Sub Increases CRIT.DMG by 15.9%, with an additional increase of 15.9% for every 1 Ninjutsu Research Department in the unit (excluding the user) (max of 3 students).
Kuda IzunaStar IconStar IconStar IconStrikerIzuna
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Increases ATK SPD by 52.1% after moving to a designated location (30 sec). 3
N Deals 845% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a round-shaped area every 6 Normal Attacks.
P Increases CRIT.DMG by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ATK by 38.3% when using EX-Skill (30 sec).
Oono TsukuyoStar IconStar IconStar IconStrikerTsukuyo
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Recovers 11.2% of HEAL as HP when taking DMG. Lasts for 30 sec. Applies up to 100 times. Decreases ATK by 20.2%. Lasts for 30 sec. 3
N Deals 659% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 7 Normal Attacks. Decreases DEF by 51.6% against medium-sized enemies. Lasts for 20 sec.
P Increases MAX HP by 26.6%.
Sub Recovers 185% of HEAL as HP when inflicted with CC.


Kuda Izuna (Swimsuit verStar IconStar IconStar IconStrikerIzuna (Swimsuit)
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Deals 804% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy. FOCUS ASSAULT on a designated enemy (30 sec). 2
N Deals 669% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 6 Normal Attacks. Decreases CRIT.DMG.RES by 38.9% (20 sec).
P Increases ATK SPD by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ATK SPD by 30.9% every 25 CRIT (23 sec).


  • The way its members learn ninja arts seems to be a nod towards McNinja, given how they seem to watch ninja movies and try to copy the moves rather than undergoing proper training.


V • T • E Organization
School Clubs
Gehenna Disciplinary CommitteeEmergency Medicine Club
Handyman 68Gourmet Research Society
School Lunch ClubHot Spring Development DepartmentSparkle Club
Millennium VeritasCleaning&ClearingParanormal Affairs Department
Engineering DepartmentGym Training DepartmentGame Development Department
Trinity SisterhoodJustice Realization Committee
Knights HospitallerLibrary CommitteeAfter-School Sweets Club
Trinity Vigilante CrewSupplementary Lesson Department
Hyakkiyako Hyakkaryouran Conflict Resolution CouncilFestival Management Committee
Etiquette Training SocietyNinjutsu Research Department
Street Ghost TroupeNature's Beauty Club
Shanhaijing Xuanwu Merchant AssociationPeking Opera ClubChinese Alchemy Study ClubPlum Blossom Garden
Red Winter Publishing DepartmentPublic Works DepartmentKnowledge Liberation FrontNo. 227 Special Class
Valkyrie Public Security BureauSecurity BureauCommunity Safety BureauLife Safety Bureau
SRT RABBIT PlatoonFOX Platoon
Arius Arius Squad
Kronos Kronos News Club
Student Councils
Schale Icon 1 Prime Student Council Icon
Abydos Icon
Countermeasures Committee
(formerly Abydos Student Council)
Pandemonium Icon
Pandemonium Society
Seminar Icon 2
Tea Party Icon
Tea Party
Hyakkiyako Icon
Yin-Yang Club
Shanhaijing Icon
Xuanlong Office
Red Winter Icon
Red Winter Office
Other Affiliations / Factions
GematriaKaiser CorporationThe Ten ProphetsHelmet Gang
Seven PrisonersCerHapPosNameless Priests
