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The Nature's Beauty Club (花鳥風月部) is one of the School Clubs at Hyakkiyako Alliance Academy.



General Information[]

A group that rejected the formation of the alliance that forms modern day Hyakkiyako. They are described as "the evil spirits of rivers and mountains that deceive people with their strange writings." To most in Hyakkiyako, they are nothing more than ghost stories; rumors and urban legends that spread throughout the academy. As Niya of the Yin-Yang Club puts it, they are One Hundred Ghost Stories (百物語). Their ultimate goal is to create their own "One Hundred Ghost Stories," which will set the world alight.


Kokuriko Nature's Beauty Kokuriko (President)
Yabuki Shuro Nature's Beauty Shuro



  • Hyakumonogatari (百物語), often translated as One Hundred Ghost Stories after Katsushika Hokusai's famous work of the same name, is a reference to the Japanese parlor game Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai which was popular amongst samurai. In this game, 100 paper lanterns are lit indoors and participants take turns telling ghost stories called kaidan (怪談) (lit. strange talk). Every time a participant finishes telling a story, they would extinguish one of the lanterns. As the room progressively darkens, it's said that the room becomes more and more suitable for the evocation of a spirit/monster. Because it's rumored that extinguishing the 100th candle would evoke a spirit/monster, almost all records stop at the 99th lantern.
  • Kachoufuugetsu (花鳥風月部) a Japanese phrase that literally means "flowers, birds, wind, and moon." Due to the relations with beautiful aspects of nature, the phrase is used in reference to beautiful natural scenery, alongside any forms of art that seek to replicate that beauty.
  • The club's background and role is similar to Arius Branch School, as both are renegade sub-faction that opposed the formation of the alliance of their respective schools.


V • T • E Organization
School Clubs
Gehenna Disciplinary CommitteeEmergency Medicine Club
Handyman 68Gourmet Research Society
School Lunch ClubHot Spring Development DepartmentSparkle Club
Millennium VeritasCleaning&ClearingParanormal Affairs Department
Engineering DepartmentGym Training DepartmentGame Development Department
Trinity SisterhoodJustice Realization Committee
Knights HospitallerLibrary CommitteeAfter-School Sweets Club
Trinity Vigilante CrewSupplementary Lesson Department
Hyakkiyako Hyakkaryouran Conflict Resolution CouncilFestival Management Committee
Etiquette Training SocietyNinjutsu Research Department
Street Ghost TroupeNature's Beauty Club
Shanhaijing Xuanwu Merchant AssociationPeking Opera ClubChinese Alchemy Study ClubPlum Blossom Garden
Red Winter Publishing DepartmentPublic Works DepartmentKnowledge Liberation FrontNo. 227 Special Class
Valkyrie Public Security BureauSecurity BureauCommunity Safety BureauLife Safety Bureau
SRT RABBIT PlatoonFOX Platoon
Arius Arius Squad
Kronos Kronos News Club
Student Councils
Schale Icon 1 Prime Student Council Icon
Abydos Icon
Countermeasures Committee
(formerly Abydos Student Council)
Pandemonium Icon
Pandemonium Society
Seminar Icon 2
Tea Party Icon
Tea Party
Hyakkiyako Icon
Yin-Yang Club
Shanhaijing Icon
Xuanlong Office
Red Winter Icon
Red Winter Office
Other Affiliations / Factions
GematriaKaiser CorporationThe Ten ProphetsHelmet Gang
Seven PrisonersCerHapPosNameless Priests