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A new Sanctum shall now be erected upon the land, thus fulfilling the wish of the Nameless Priests. And with its arrival, all mystery shall at last, be archived.

~ Key

The Nameless Priests (無名の司祭) are one of two known ancient factions in Kivotos and a group of adults.

General Information[]

An ancient cult that was implied to have been the masters of the world before it is known as Kivotos. Although they are gone, many of their technologies remain as out-of-place artifacts or OOPArts (presumably separate from the crafting material OOPArts). They sought the construction of Atra-Hasis' Ark: a "ship" that would archive all Mysteries and eradicate all lives.

Princess of the Nameless Gods: AL-1S[]

AL-1S is an OOPArt in modern Kivotos, once worshipped by the Nameless Priests.


The "Key" to AL-1S's ascension that will lead the "Princess" to her rightful throne. While the actual role of Key is not clear, at the present, she is the means through which Aris initiates Protocol ATRAHASIS.

Nameless Gods[]

The Nameless Gods (名もなき神) are mysterious, transcendent entities worshipped by the Nameless Priests. They represent primordial Mysteries and Terror — the lands, seas, and disasters that plague them. They manifest in forms that imitate nature. Currently, the only known Nameless God is the God of Death - Anubis.


The AI that presumably produces its robots and the Nameless Guardians (無名の守護者), etc. It was assimilated by Decagrammaton at some point, turning into its 4th Prophet, Chesed.

Atra-Hasis' Ark[]

Ark of Atrahasis

Atra-Hasis' Ark

Atra-Hasis' Ark (アトラ・ハシースの箱舟), also known as the Ark of Atrahasis on Global, is an interdimensional floating fortress and the base of operations of the Iridescent Vanguard. Its purpose is to archive all Mysteries, eradicate all lives in Kivotos, and withstand the world's end.


V • T • E


  • Atra-Hasis' Ark is named after a ship constructed by the protagonist of the Akkadian epic, Atra-Hasis. This ship later served as the basis of other flood myths, such as Utnapishtim's Ship in the Epic of Gilgamesh and Noah's Ark in the Bible.
    • The control room is named the Throne of Naram-Sin (ナラム・シンの玉座), after the first Mesopotamian king to proclaim themself divine, Naram-Sin of Akkad.
  • There's a joke that Key's actual motif is the Japanese studio Key, which is famous for making Nakige (Crying games), due to her sacrifice in Vol. F.
  • The Nameless Gods likely represent a possible origin of gods and deities — concepts that were created that may have to explain the Mystery and Terror of natural phenomena.


V • T • E Organization
School Clubs
Gehenna Disciplinary CommitteeEmergency Medicine Club
Handyman 68Gourmet Research Society
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Other Affiliations / Factions
GematriaKaiser CorporationThe Ten ProphetsHelmet Gang
Seven PrisonersCerHapPosNameless Priests