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Hieronymus Banner 1

Hieronymus (ヒエロニムス) is a raid boss affiliated with Communio Sanctorum in Blue Archive.



An unidentified being has been discovered in the crypt of the ancient cathedral of Trinity General School! There are rumours that the true identity is an experimental entity created by Gematria based on the ancient doctrine...


Hieronymus is a large red hooded figure with four long, scrawny arms and golden nails. Its inner limbs are clasped in a praying position, while its outer limbs hold its weapons to attack. Keeping its religious motif, it also wears a golden halo resembling the shape of a sun. Its cloak is a royal red with embroidered gold stripes. Around its body are various gold staffs similarly resembling a rising sun with hooks.


  • Hieronymus also appeared in Volume 3 Chapter 3 Episode 24 as a boss.
    • This version of Hieronymus does not have relic-related mechanics. Instead, Saint Justina mobs appeared and they respawn endlessly if get killed.
    • This is the first battle in the main story that uses the player's own students instead of predefined students. This is symbolized by the use of "adult card" for this battle.
    • Since the player's own students are used instead of predefined students, this battle becomes a barrier for newer players from completing the main story.


V • T • E Total War
Binah Banner 1Chesed Banner 1Shiro and Kuro Banner 1Hieronymus Banner 1Kaiten FX MK.0 Banner 1Perorodzilla Banner 1Hod Banner 1Goz Banner 1Gregorius Banner 1Wakamo Hovercraft Banner 1Kurokage Banner 1Set PortraitChokmah Banner 1Geburah Banner 1
BinahChesedShiro and KuroHieronymusKaiten FX MK.0PerorodzillaHodGozGregoriusWakamo (Hovercraft)Myouki KurokageThe Fury of SetChokmahGeburah
BinahChesedShiro and KuroHieronymusKaiten FX MK.0PerorodzillaHodGozGregoriusWakamo (Hovercraft)Myouki KurokageThe Fury of SetChokmahGeburah
BinahChesedShiro and KuroHieronymusKaiten FX MK.0PerorodzillaHodGozGregoriusWakamo (Hovercraft)Myouki KurokageThe Fury of SetChokmahGeburah
BinahChesedShiro and KuroHieronymusKaiten FX MK.0PerorodzillaHodGozGregoriusWakamo (Hovercraft)Myouki KurokageThe Fury of SetChokmahGeburah
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