Blue Archive Wiki
Blue Archive Wiki

FAQ/Glossary (用語集) contains official terms, common slang terms used by the English community and Wikia terms.



JP Global Wikia Other(s) Icon
HP Buff - HP
攻撃力 ATK Attack / Offensive power Buff - ATK
防御力 DEF Defence / Defensive Power Buff - DEF
治癒力 Healing HEAL N/A Buff - HEAL
命中値 Accuracy ACC Hit Value Buff - ACC
回避値 Evasion EVA Avoidance Value Buff - EVA
会心値 Crit CRIT.R Critical Rate / Critical Value Buff - CRIT.R
会心ダメージ率 Crit DMG CRIT.DMG Critical Damage / Critical Damage Rate Buff - CRIT.DMG
安定値 Stability STABLE Stable Value Buff - Stable
射程距離 Range of Fire RANGE Range Distance Buff - RANGE
CC強化力 Crowd Control Power CC.PWR CC Strength / CC Strengthening Power Buff - CC.PWR
CC抵抗力 Crowd Control Res CC.RES CC Resistance Buff - CC.RES
コスト回復力 Cost Recovery COST REGAN Rec / Recovery / Cost Resilience Buff - Cost Regen
回復受容効率の強化 Recovery Boost REC Recovery Rate / Incoming Heal / Healing Received Buff - REC
攻撃速度 ATK SPD Attack Speed Buff - ATK SPD

Stat Description
HP If a student's HP reaches 0, they will be unable to continue fighting.
ATK The more ATK a student has, the more damage they will deal to enemies.
DEF The more DEF a student has, the less damage they will take from enemies
HEAL The more Healing a student has, the more effective their Recovery, Barrier, etc...will be.
ACC The more Accuracy a student has, the less likely their attacks will miss.
EVA The more Evasion a student has, the more likely they will be able to dodge attacks.
CRIT.R The more Crit a student has, the more likely they will be able to land critical hit.
CRIT.DMG The more Crit DMG a student has, the more damage a critical hit will deal.
STABLE The more stability a student has, the more likely they are to deal maximum damage.
RANGE The max distance a student can attack enemies from.
CC.PWR Affects the chance for enemies to be hit by a student Crowd Control effects (Stun, Fear, etc...).
CC.RES Affects the chance for students to be hit by enemy Crowd Control effects (Stun, Fear, etc...).
COST REGAN Affects the speed at which the cost for using Skill Cards(EX-Skill) is recovered.
REC Affects the amount of effect when receiving HP recovery.
ATK SPD Affects the students' Attack Speed and Reload Speed.


JP Global Wikia Other(s) Icon
初級 Novice / Lesser Beginner Tier 1
中級 Normal Intermediate Tier 2
上級 Advanced Tier 3
最上級 Superior Superlative Tier 4 / Highest / Top
レポート Activity Report Exp Report Report Exp Report 0
強化珠 Enhancement Stone Exp Orb Reinforced / Enhancement / Strengthening Bead Exp Orb 0
オーパーツ Artifact Skill Material Ooparts / Material Selection Material 0
戦術教育BD Tactical Training Blu-Ray EX-Skill Disc Tactical Education BD Selection EX-Skill Disc 0
技術ノート Tech Note Skill Book Technical Note Selection Skill Book 0
神名文字 Eleph Fragment Shard / Theonym Character Divine Fragment
秘伝ノート Secret Tech sheet Secret Note Rainbow Book Ultimate Skill Book

Item Description
Beginner An item of a lower quality. Usually obtainable at large quantity.
Intermediate An item of a middle quality. Obtainable at an average quantity.
Advanced An item of a high quality. Obtainable at low quantity.
Superlative An item of the highest quality. Expensive and obtainable at few quantity.
Exp Report An item that give experience points to a students.
Exp Orb An item that give experience points to equipment.
Skill Material An item used to upgrade a student's skills.
EX-Skill Disc An item used to upgrade a student's EX-Skills.
Skill Book An item used to upgrade a student's normal, passive and sub-skills.
Fragment A Currency that can be exchange for student fragments and various items in the Shop.
Student Fragment An item with the face and name of a student. Used to promote a student and their Unique Equipment to the next rank.
Secret Note An item used to upgrade a student's skills from level 9 to level 10.

Game Mode[]

Game Mode
JP Global Wikia Other(s)
指名手配 Bounty Fugitive Warrant Wanted / Sushiman
ハイウェイ Overpass Highway
砂漠の線路 Desert Railroad Track Desert Railroad
校舎 Classroom School Building
特別依頼 Special Request Commissions
拠点防衛 Base Defence
クレジット回収 Item Retrieval Credit Collection
学園交流会 Scrimmage School Exchange Meeting School Dungeon
総力戦開 Total Assault Total War Raid
戦術対抗戦 Tactical Challenge Tactical Competition Arena / PVP
合同火力演習 Joint Firing Drill Joint Firepower Exercise Kivotos Joint Attack Exercise
連合作戦 Allied Operation Union Operation Combined Operation / World Raid


JP Global Wikia / Other(s)
アビドス高等学校 Abydos High School
ゲヘナ学園 Gehenna Academy
ミレニアムサイエンススクール Millennium Science School
トリニテイ総合学園 Trinity General School
百鬼夜行連合学院 Allied Hyakkiyako Academy Hyakkiyako Alliance Academy
山海経高級中学校 Shanhaijing Secondary School Shanhaijing Senior Secondary School
レッドウィンター連邦学園 Red Winter Federal Academy
ヴアルキューレ警察学校 Valkyrie Police School Valkyrie Police Academy
アリウス分校 Arius Satellite School Arius Branch School
SRT特殊学園 SRT Special Academy
Schale Icon 3
連邦生徒会 Prime Student Council General / Federal Student Council
シャーレ Schale / Independent Federal Investigation Club SCHALE
Abydos Icon
対策委員会 Foreclosure Task Force Countermeasures Committee
Gehenna Icon
万魔殿 Pandemonium Society
風紀委員会 Prefect Team Disciplinary Committee
便利屋68 Problem Solver 68 Handyman 68
美食研究会 Gourmet Research Society
給食部 School Lunch Club
温泉開発部 Hot Springs Development Department Hot Spring Department
救急医学部 Medical Emergency Club Emergency Medicine Club
Millennium Icon
セミナー Seminar
C&C / Cleaning&Clearing
エンジニア部 Engineering Club Engineering Department
ゲーム開発部 Game Development Department
ヴェリタス Veritas
特異現象捜査部 Super Phenomenon Task Force Paranormal Affairs Department
トレーニング部 Athletic Training Club Gym Training Department
Trinity Icon
ティーパーティー Tea Party
正義実現委員会 Justice Task Force Justice Realization Committee
補習授業部 Make-Up Work Club Supplementary Lesson Department
放課後スイーツ部 After-School Sweets Club
救護騎士団 Remedial Knights Knight Hospitaller
シスターフッド The Sisterhood Sisterhood
トリニティ自警団 Trinity's Vigilante Crew
図書委員会 Library Committee
Hyakkiyako Icon
陰陽部 Yin-Yang Club
お祭り運営委員会 Festival Operations Department Festival Management Committee
お祭り運営委員会 Inner Discipline Club Etiquette Training Society
忍術研究部 Ninjutsu Research Club Ninjutsu Research Department
百花繚乱紛争調停委員会 ??? Hyakkayouran Conflict Resolution Council
Shanhaijing Icon
玄龍門 ??? Xuanlong Office
??? ??? Xuanwu Merchant Association
練丹術研究会 Eastern Alchemy Society Chinese Alchemy Study Club
訓育支援部「梅花園」 ??? Training Support Department (Plum Blossom Garden)
玄武商会 ??? Black Tortoise
Red Winter Icon
レッドウィンター事務局 Red Winter Office
227号特別クラス Spec Ops No.227 No. 227 Special Class
工務部 Labor Party Public Works Department
知識解放戦線 ??? Knowledge Liberation Front
Valkyrie Icon
公安局 Life Safety Bureau Public Safety Bureau
??? ??? Security Bureau
生活安全局 ??? Community Safety Bureau
Arius Icon
アリウススクワッド Arius Squad
SRT Icon
FOX小隊 FOX Squad FOX Platoon
報道部 ??? Kronos News Club
カイザーコーポレーション ??? Kaiser Corporation


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Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



V • T • E Blue Archive
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Other Game Modes Joint Firepower ExerciseUnion OperationConquest Battle
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