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Hangar 1

Engineering Department's Hangar

Engineering Department (エンジニア部) or Engineering Club on Global, is one of the School Club in Millennium Science School.



General Information[]

The Engineering Department is considerably the most known Department within the Millennium Science School as many inventions or equipment that are used all over Kivotos (including their own school) originated from them. True to the motto of their school, its members attempt to create new inventions although what limits them is mostly funding itself.

In the Millennium Arc, Clockwork Flower Pavane, the Engineering Department becomes involved along side Veritas in helping the Game Development Department with reclaiming the Mirror from the student council, Seminar.

They are the main club during On Your Mark @ Millennium. During the event, they have to deal with the preparation for Kivotos Halo Festival. They are also featured in A Certain Scientific Record of Youth.


Shiraishi UtahaStar IconStar IconSpecialUtaha (Head)
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Summons a turret with 154% of Utaha's ATK (30 sec). 4
N Summons a turret every 30 sec with 72.6% of Utaha's ATK (20 sec).
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ally MAX HP by 17.3%.
Nekozuka HibikiStar IconStar IconStar IconSpecialHibiki
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Deals 591% of ATK as DMG to enemies within 5 round-shaped areas. 4
N Deals 275% of ATK as DMG in a round-shaped area around the enemy with the lowest HP every 20 sec.
P Increases CRIT.DMG by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ally CRIT.DMG by 17.3%.
Toyomi KotoriStar IconStrikerKotori
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Move 4 allies to a designated location, then casts 334% of HEAL as a BARRIER. 4
N Deals 511% of ATK as DMG to enemies within a fan-shaped area every 35 sec.
P Increases CRIT.DMG by 26.6%.
Sub Increases CRIT.DMG by 38.3% after defeating an enemy (30 sec).


Shiraishi Utaha (Cheerleader verStar IconStar IconStar IconStrikerUtaha (Cheerleader)
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Enhanced turret (90 sec). Normal Attacks deal 146% of ATK as DMG when turrets are enhanced, and Normal Skill activation conditions are changed. 5
N Deals 315% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 30 sec. Activation conditions are changed when turrets are enhanced, and deals 539% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 6 Normal Attacks.
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Deals 9.7% of ATK as additional DMG to enemies inflicted with status ailments.
Nekozuka Hibiki (Cheerleader verStar IconStrikerHibiki (Cheerleader)
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Deals 140% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a round-shaped area. Deals 47.9% of ATK as continuous Passionate CHEERING DMG (120 sec). 7
N Increases ATK by 22.5% for you and 1 ally with the highest ATK every 40 sec (30 sec).
P Increases ATK by 34%. Decreases CRIT.DMG by 11.2%.
Sub Deals 6.4% of ATK as additional DMG upon attacking an enemy. The further you are from the enemy, the higher the DMG. The closer the distance, the weaker the DMG (DMG ranges from 0.5 to 2 times).
Toyomi Kotori (Cheerleader verStar IconStar IconStar IconStrikerKotori (Cheerleader)
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Deals 390% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a fan-shaped area. 3
N When an ally other than the user uses an EX-Skill 5 times, increases the CRIT.R of allies other than the user within a round-shaped area by 21.8% (30 sec).
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Increases the user's ATK by 12.6% each time a Normal Skill applies a beneficial effect to 1 ally (30 sec) (Stacks up to 5 times).


  • With the release of Kotori (Cheerleader), all club members have an alternate playable variant (in this case, a Cheerleader one).
    • The appearance of their variants is all significantly different from their original appearance.


V • T • E Organization
School Clubs
Gehenna Disciplinary CommitteeEmergency Medicine Club
Handyman 68Gourmet Research Society
School Lunch ClubHot Spring Development DepartmentSparkle Club
Millennium VeritasCleaning&ClearingParanormal Affairs Department
Engineering DepartmentGym Training DepartmentGame Development Department
Trinity SisterhoodJustice Realization Committee
Knights HospitallerLibrary CommitteeAfter-School Sweets Club
Trinity Vigilante CrewSupplementary Lesson Department
Hyakkiyako Hyakkaryouran Conflict Resolution CouncilFestival Management Committee
Etiquette Training SocietyNinjutsu Research Department
Street Ghost TroupeNature's Beauty Club
Shanhaijing Xuanwu Merchant AssociationPeking Opera ClubChinese Alchemy Study ClubPlum Blossom Garden
Red Winter Publishing DepartmentPublic Works DepartmentKnowledge Liberation FrontNo. 227 Special Class
Valkyrie Public Security BureauSecurity BureauCommunity Safety BureauLife Safety Bureau
SRT RABBIT PlatoonFOX Platoon
Arius Arius Squad
Kronos Kronos News Club
Student Councils
Schale Icon 1 Prime Student Council Icon
Abydos Icon
Countermeasures Committee
(formerly Abydos Student Council)
Pandemonium Icon
Pandemonium Society
Seminar Icon 2
Tea Party Icon
Tea Party
Hyakkiyako Icon
Yin-Yang Club
Shanhaijing Icon
Xuanlong Office
Red Winter Icon
Red Winter Office
Other Affiliations / Factions
GematriaKaiser CorporationThe Ten ProphetsHelmet Gang
Seven PrisonersCerHapPosNameless Priests