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This category lists all limited students who cannot be obtained through Regular Recruitment banner.

Star Icon These students are event welfare limited and can only be obtained in their respective events.
Star IconStar Icon This rarity only applies to Nonomi who is only obtainable in New Teacher Guide Mission.
Star IconStar IconStar Icon These students are limited and can only be obtained in their respective banners.

Attacker Attacker • Supporter Supporter • Tank Tank • Healer Healer • Tactical Tactical • Cover Have Cover • Cross 1 No Cover
Student Rarity Role Class Position Cover ATK TYPE DEF TYPE
Shiroko Terror
Shiroko Terror Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker MIDDLE Cover Mystic Special Armor
Hoshino Swimsuit Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Supporter FRONT Cross 1 Explosion Special Armor
Hoshino (Armed)
Hoshino Armed Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Tank
FRONT Cross 1 Mystic Heavy Armor
Nonomi Icon
Star IconStar Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cross 1 Penetration Light Armor
Ayane Swimsuit Icon
Star Icon Special Tactical BACK Cross 1 Penetration Light Armor
Makoto Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Special Attacker BACK Cross 1 Penetration Special Armor
Ibuki Icon
Star Icon Striker Supporter MIDDLE Cover Mystic Heavy Armor
Hina Swimsuit Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cross 1 Explosion Heavy Armor
Hina Dress Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cross 1 Explosion Elastic Armor
Ako Dress Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Supporter MIDDLE Cover Explosion Special Armor
Iori Swimsuit Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cover Explosion Special Armor
Aru New Year Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cover Penetration Special Armor
Mutsuki New Year Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cross 1 Mystic Heavy Armor
Haruna New Year Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cover Explosion Light Armor
Junko New Year Icon
Star Icon Striker Attacker MIDDLE Cover Mystic Heavy Armor
Izumi Swimsuit Icon
Star Icon Striker Supporter BACK Cross 1 Explosion Light Armor
Fuuka New Year Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Special Supporter BACK Cross 1 Penetration Special Armor
Yuuka Gym Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Tank FRONT Cover Mystic Special Armor
Neru Bunny Girl Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Tank FRONT Cover Explosion Heavy Armor
Karin Bunny Girl Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cover Mystic Heavy Armor
Toki Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker MIDDLE Cross 1 Explosion Elastic Armor
Hibiki Cheerleader Icon
Star Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cross 1 Explosion Light Armor
Yuzu Maid Icon
Star Icon Special Attacker BACK Cross 1 Explosion Elastic Armor
Nagisa Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Special Attacker BACK Cross 1 Explosion Heavy Armor
Mika Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker FRONT Cover Penetration Light Armor
Kazusa (Band)
Kazusa Band Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cross 1 Explosion Special Armor
Airi (Band)
Airi Band Icon
Star Icon Striker Attacker FRONT Cover Explosion Special Armor
Yoshimi (Band)
Yoshimi Band Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker MIDDLE Cover Explosion Special Armor
Tsurugi Swimsuit Icon
Star Icon Striker Attacker FRONT Cross 1 Mystic Special Armor
Hasumi Gym Icon
Star Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cover Mystic Special Armor
Mashiro Swimsuit Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Special Attacker BACK Cross 1 Mystic Light Armor
Azusa Swimsuit Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker MIDDLE Cover Mystic Light Armor
Koharu Swimsuit Icon
Star Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cover Mystic Heavy Armor
Hanako Swimsuit Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker MIDDLE Cover Sonic Heavy Armor
Ui Swimsuit Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Supporter BACK Cover Penetration Elastic Armor
Mari Gym Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Healer MIDDLE Cross 1 Mystic Special Armor
Hinata Swimsuit Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Special Attacker BACK Cross 1 Explosion Light Armor
Chise Swimsuit Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Supporter MIDDLE Cover Mystic Light Armor
Shizuko Swimsuit Icon
Star Icon Special Supporter BACK Cross 1 Mystic Heavy Armor
Izuna Swimsuit Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker FRONT Cover Mystic Special Armor
Michiru Icon
Star Icon Striker Attacker FRONT Cross 1 Mystic Light Armor
Wakamo Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cover Mystic Light Armor
Tomoe Icon
Star Icon Striker Supporter BACK Cover Penetration Special Armor
Nodoka Icon
Star Icon Special Supporter BACK Cross 1 Explosion Heavy Armor
Kirino (Swimsuit)
Kirino Swimsuit Icon
Star Icon Special Supporter BACK Cross 1 Mystic Heavy Armor
Fubuki Icon
Star Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cover Penetration Heavy Armor
Miyu Swimsuit Icon
Star Icon Special Attacker BACK Cross 1 Explosion Light Armor
Saori (Swimsuit)
Saori Swimsuit Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker MIDDLE Cover Mystic Heavy Armor
Hiyori (Swimsuit)
Hiyori Swimsuit Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker BACK Cover Penetration Heavy Armor
Atsuko (Swimsuit)
Atsuko Swimsuit Icon
Star Icon Special Healer BACK Cross 1 Sonic Special Armor
Miku Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Special Supporter BACK Cross 1 Explosion Light Armor
Misaka Mikoto Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker MIDDLE Cover Penetration Heavy Armor
Shokuhou Misaki Icon
Star IconStar IconStar Icon Striker Attacker MIDDLE Cover Explosion Heavy Armor
Saten Ruiko Icon
Star Icon Special Attacker BACK Cross 1 Penetration Special Armor

V • T • E

Student Firearm City Desert Indoor EQ 1 EQ 2 EQ 3
Hoshino Swimsuit Icon
SG Icon Excellent Icon Good Icon Terrible Icon Shoe T1 Icon Bag T1 Icon Charm T1 Icon
Nonomi Icon
MG Icon Good Icon Good Icon Terrible Icon Hat T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Ayane Swimsuit Icon
HG Icon Bad Icon Good Icon Neutral Icon Gloves T1 Icon Badge T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Makoto Icon
SR Icon Terrible Icon Neutral Icon Excellent Icon Gloves T1 Icon Bag T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Ibuki Icon
AR Icon Bad Icon Neutral Icon Good Icon Gloves T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Necklace T1 Icon
Hina Swimsuit Icon
MG Icon Neutral Icon Excellent Icon Terrible Icon Hat T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Hina Dress Icon
MG Icon Terrible Icon Good Icon Excellent Icon Hat T1 Icon Badge T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Ako Dress Icon
HG Icon Terrible Icon Excellent Icon Neutral Icon Shoe T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Iori Swimsuit Icon
SR Icon Neutral Icon Excellent Icon Terrible Icon Shoe T1 Icon Badge T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Aru New Year Icon
SR Icon Terrible Icon Neutral Icon Excellent Icon Hat T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Mutsuki New Year Icon
MG Icon Terrible Icon Excellent Icon Neutral Icon Gloves T1 Icon Badge T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Haruna New Year Icon
SR Icon Terrible Icon Excellent Icon Neutral Icon Gloves T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Junko New Year Icon
AR Icon Neutral Icon Neutral Icon Neutral Icon Hat T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Izumi Swimsuit Icon
MG Icon Neutral Icon Good Icon Bad Icon Shoe T1 Icon Bag T1 Icon Necklace T1 Icon
Fuuka New Year Icon
SMG Icon Neutral Icon Terrible Icon Excellent Icon Shoe T1 Icon Badge T1 Icon Necklace T1 Icon
Yuuka Gym Icon
SMG Icon Neutral Icon Terrible Icon Excellent Icon Shoe T1 Icon Bag T1 Icon Necklace T1 Icon
Neru Bunny Girl Icon
DualSMG Icon Neutral Icon Excellent Icon Terrible Icon Shoe T1 Icon Bag T1 Icon Charm T1 Icon
Karin Bunny Girl Icon
SR Icon Terrible Icon Neutral Icon Excellent Icon Hat T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Toki Icon
AR Icon Excellent Icon Terrible Icon Neutral Icon Hat T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Hibiki Cheerleader Icon
ML New Icon Neutral Icon Bad Icon Good Icon Gloves T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Yuzu Maid Icon
GL Icon Neutral Icon Bad Icon Good Icon Gloves T1 Icon Badge T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Nagisa Icon
HG Icon Terrible Icon Neutral Icon Excellent Icon Hat T1 Icon Bag T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Mika Icon
SMG Icon Terrible Icon Good Icon Excellent Icon Hat T1 Icon Badge T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Tsurugi Swimsuit Icon
DualSG Icon Neutral Icon Bad Icon Good Icon Shoe T1 Icon Bag T1 Icon Charm T1 Icon
Hasumi Gym Icon
SR Icon Neutral Icon Bad Icon Good Icon Hat T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Mashiro Swimsuit Icon
SR Icon Neutral Icon Excellent Icon Terrible Icon Hat T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Azusa Swimsuit Icon
AR Icon Bad Icon Bad Icon Excellent Icon Gloves T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Koharu Swimsuit Icon
SR Icon Neutral Icon Neutral Icon Neutral Icon Gloves T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Hanako Swimsuit Icon
AR Icon Excellent Icon Good Icon Terrible Icon Hat T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Ui Swimsuit Icon
SR Icon Neutral Icon Terrible Icon Excellent Icon Shoe T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Charm T1 Icon
Mari Gym Icon
HG Icon Neutral Icon Terrible Icon Excellent Icon Shoe T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Necklace T1 Icon
Hinata Swimsuit Icon
HG Icon Terrible Icon Excellent Icon Neutral Icon Hat T1 Icon Bag T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Chise Swimsuit Icon
GL Icon Neutral Icon Excellent Icon Terrible Icon Hat T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Necklace T1 Icon
Shizuko Swimsuit Icon
SG Icon Neutral Icon Neutral Icon Neutral Icon Shoe T1 Icon Badge T1 Icon Necklace T1 Icon
Michiru Icon
SG Icon Neutral Icon Neutral Icon Neutral Icon Hat T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Izuna Swimsuit Icon
SMG Icon Terrible Icon Neutral Icon Excellent Icon Gloves T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Wakamo Icon
SR Icon Good Icon Terrible Icon Excellent Icon Hat T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Tomoe Icon
HG Icon Bad Icon Neutral Icon Good Icon Gloves T1 Icon Badge T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Nodoka Icon
SMG Icon Neutral Icon Neutral Icon Neutral Icon Gloves T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Necklace T1 Icon
Fubuki Icon
SR Icon Good Icon Neutral Icon Bad Icon Hat T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Miku Icon
GL Icon Excellent Icon Terrible Icon Neutral Icon Shoe T1 Icon Badge T1 Icon Charm T1 Icon
Misaka Mikoto Icon
AR Icon Terrible Icon Excellent Icon Neutral Icon Gloves T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Watch T1 Icon
Shokuhou Misaki Icon
HG Icon Excellent Icon Bad Icon Bad Icon Shoe T1 Icon Hairpin T1 Icon Necklace T1 Icon
Saten Ruiko Icon
SMG Icon Bad Icon Good Icon Neutral Icon Hat T1 Icon Bag T1 Icon Necklace T1 Icon

V • T • E

ACC Accuracy - The ability to land attacks to enemies. EVA Evasion - The ability to evade enemies' attack.
CRIT.R Critical Rate - The chance of landing a critical hit. CRIT.DMG Critical Damage - The damage of a critical hit.
(Default ~ 200%)
STABLE Stability - The consistency of the damage per shot. RANGE Range - How distance needed to hit an enemy.
CC.PWR Crowd Control.Power - The ability to land target status.
(Default ~ 100)
CC.RES Crowd Control.Resist - The ability to evade crowd control.
(Default ~ 100)
Hoshino Swimsuit Icon
2554 243 123 1789 717 164 271 1824 450
Nonomi Icon
2378 290 80 1495 99 198 198 1408 750
Ayane Swimsuit Icon
2149 289 19 1682 940 191 261 2194 1000
Makoto Icon
2109 387 62 2002 529 188 264 2162 1000
Ibuki Icon
2127 236 18 1475 737 756 210 1224 650
Hina Swimsuit Icon
2458 366 78 1685 102 195 204 1364 750
Hina Dress Icon
2199 423 68 1675 101 176 203 1372 750
Ako Dress Icon
2268 176 18 1809 439 720 219 990 550
Iori Swimsuit Icon
2252 429 17 1819 995 178 221 1784 750
Aru New Year Icon
2492 386 19 1662 909 197 202 1976 750
Mutsuki New Year Icon
2395 454 76 1727 104 190 209 1328 750
Haruna New Year Icon
2405 407 19 1720 941 190 209 1908 750
Junko New Year Icon
2204 300 19 1428 714 783 204 1368 650
Izumi Swimsuit Icon
2160 232 76 1455 103 192 207 1344 750
Fuuka New Year Icon
2570 304 76 2047 703 1101 270 1477 1000
Yuuka Gym Icon
3087 174 27 1778 108 1323 216 1284 450
Neru Bunny Girl Icon
3040 185 27 1802 109 1303 219 1264 450
Karin Bunny Girl Icon
2523 420 20 1643 898 200 199 2000 750
Toki Icon
2505 284 19 1655 704 795 201 1388 650
Hibiki Cheerleader Icon
2125 659 75 1477 105 188 263 944 850
Yuzu Maid Icon
4171 471 99 1681 783 191 261 1095 1000
Nagisa Icon
2211 342 65 2682 759 977 202 1132 1000
Mika Icon
2757 302 22 1670 111 1417 25 1376 450
Tsurugi Swimsuit Icon
2536 345 136 1379 650 182 246 2028 450
Hasumi Gym Icon
2219 305 19 1419 912 197 202 1972 850
Mashiro Swimsuit Icon
2220 388 17 2217 1006 176 223 2024 1000
Azusa Swimsuit Icon
2204 258 17 1851 787 699 225 1224 650
Koharu Swimsuit Icon
3264 286 18 1896 950 188 211 1888 750
Hanako Swimsuit Icon
3533 370 19 2132 701 797 200 1386 650
Ui Swimsuit Icon
3506 439 18 1808 989 180 219 1800 750
Mari Gym Icon
2537 147 22 2698 109 996 218 904 550
Hinata Swimsuit Icon
3421 484 66 1895 750 1098 250 1145 1000
Chise Swimsuit Icon
2490 276 19 1664 101 197 202 988 650
Shizuko Swimsuit Icon
2048 182 109 1753 653 182 217 2093 1000
Michiru Icon
2223 276 118 1416 607 197 202 1976 450
Izuna Swimsuit Icon
2656 237 21 1730 115 1024 262 1324 450
Wakamo Icon
2494 426 19 1662 909 197 202 1976 750
Tomoe Icon
2139 260 19 1468 944 190 209 1900 750
Nodoka Icon
2277 165 20 1589 98 1251 197 1628 100
Fubuki Icon
2229 247 19 1412 908 198 252 1980 750
Miku Icon
2280 224 18 2071 109 181 218 1040 1000
Misaka Mikoto Icon
2407 287 19 1718 731 764 208 1336 650
Shokuhou Misaki Icon
2290 260 18 1795 109 999 218 908 550
Saten Ruiko Icon
3078 233 102 1633 659 1182 253 1582 1000

V • T • E

MAX Skill List
Hoshino Swimsuit Icon
EX Increases ally ATK by 38.5% and EXPLOSION DMG by 99% in a round-shaped area (50 sec). Cost reduced to 5.
N Deals 454% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 40 sec and recover 97.6% of HEAL to herself.
P Increases ATK and DEF by 26.6%.
Sub Increases COST REGEN by 684 when using EX-Skill.
Nonomi Icon
EX Deals 821% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a fan-shaped area.
N Increases ATK by 41.4% every 30 sec. Lasts 20 sec.
P Increases CRIT.DMG by 26.6%.
Sub Deals 12.8% of ATK as additional DMG when attacking large-sized enemies.
Ayane Swimsuit Icon
EX Ayane rides the Rain Cloud Helicopter into battle, granting it 47.5% of Ayane's Attack and 32.6% of Ayane's CRIT.R (30 sec). Activates "Torrential Rain Missile!" every 12 sec, dealing 401% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy. (This attack ignores 84% of the enemy's DEF).
N Deals 215% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 30 sec. (This attack ignores 84% of the enemy's DEF).
P Increases CRIT.R by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ally CRIT.DMG by 17.3%.
Makoto Icon
EX Deals DMG to enemies within a round-shaped area. DMG increases depending on the number of enemies.
4 or less: Deals 296% of ATK as DMG.
5 to 9: Deals 592% of ATK as DMG.
10 or more: Deals 987% of ATK as DMG.
N Decreases DEF by 15.8% of enemies within a round-shaped area every 55 sec (35 sec).
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ally Penetration Effectiveness by 30.2%.
Ibuki Icon
EX WEAPON-BUFF⁠ Increases ATK by 50.2% for all allies within a round-shaped area other than the user (35 sec).

CIRCLE⁠ While piloting Toramaru, deals 302% of ATK as DMG to enemies within a round-shaped area.

N Deals 388% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 30 sec.. Decreases their ATK by 388% (20 sec).
P Increases MAX HP by 26.6%.
Sub Recovers 171% of HEAL as HP when using EX-Skill.
Hina Swimsuit Icon
EX Deals 441% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a fan-shaped area.
N Deals 226% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 20 sec. Inflict STUN (2 sec).
P Increases CRIT.R by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ATK by 16.5% when using EX-Skills (Stacks up to 5 times).
Hina Dress Icon
EX HINA DRESS EX-SKILLEX-Skill: Switches to CONCENTRATED-SHOOTING state (10 sec). During this state, Normal Attacks and Movements are restricted. When receiving CC effects, cancels CONCENTRATED-SHOOTING Position state.

LINEFirst Node of the Melody: Deals 618% of ATK as DMG to enemies within a straight-line. DMG decreases by 45% each time it pierces an enemy (10% minimum). DMG dealt will be maximized without being affected by STABLE value. Maintains CONCENTRATED-SHOOTING state (10 sec). Charges the next Concentrated Shots.
LINESecond Node of the Melody: Deals 618% of ATK as DMG to enemies within a straight-line. DMG decreases by 45% each time it pierces an enemy (10% minimum). DMG dealt will be maximized without being affected by STABLE value. Maintains CONCENTRATED-SHOOTING state (10 sec). Charges the next Concentrated Shots.
LINEClosing Melody: Deals 1288% of ATK as DMG to enemies within a straight-line. DMG decreases by 45% each time it pierces an enemy (10% minimum). DMG dealt will be maximized without being affected by STABLE value. Cancels Concetrated-Shooting state.

N When the battle starts, increases Explosion Effectiveness by 64.91% and ACC by 451 (Once per battle).
P Increases ATK and CRIT.R by 16.2%.
Sub Increases Explosion Effectiveness by 63.51% while in CONCENTRATED-SHOOTING State. IMMUNE to TAUNT.
Ako Dress Icon
EX Increases CRIT.R by 19.8% and CRIT.DMG by 57.5% for all allies within a round-shaped area (30 sec). Accumulates 1 Successful Protection stack for every ally affected (Up to 15 stacks).
N Decreases DEF by 24% for 1 enemy (22 sec), then deals DMG depending on the amount of Successful Protection stacks accumulated.
3 or less: Deals 942% of ATK as DMG.
4 to 7: Deals 1010% of ATK as DMG.
8 to 11: Deals 1111% of ATK as DMG.
12 or more: Deals 1212% of ATK as DMG.
P Increases MAX HP by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ATK by 5.7% depending on the amount of Successful Protection stacks accumulated.
Iori Swimsuit Icon
EX Deals 880% of ATK as DMG to all enemies in a round-shaped area.
N Deals 297% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 25 sec. Deals 66.3% of ATK as CHILL DMG over time (20 sec).
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub WHas a 25% Chance to deal 64.8% of ATK as CHILL DMG over time when attacking. Last for 20 sec (CD: 10 sec).
Aru New Year Icon
EX Obtain 0.7 Skill Cost per evil deed. (Evil deeds are reset). Deals 340% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy, then ricochets to nearby enemies to deal 340% of ATK as DMG (up to 11 times).
N Deals 321% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a round-shaped area every 30 sec.
P Increases MAX HP by 26.6%.
Sub Accumulates 1 evil deed for every 6 enemies defeated by an ally. Up to 6 evil deeds can be stacked, and each evil deed decreases DEF by 5.3%.
Mutsuki New Year Icon
EX Deals 302% of ATK as DMG to enemies in an arched-shaped area.
N Deals 315% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a straight-line every 50 sec. Deals an additional 169% of ATK as DMG when 6 stacks imps are stacked.
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Accumulates 1 imp for every 3 times the enemy takes DMG from EX-Skills (56 sec). Up to 6 imps can be stacked, and each imp increases CRIT.DMG by 4.1%.
Haruna New Year Icon
EX Deals 202% of ATK as DMG to 5 enemies. Deals 98.7% of ATK as additional DMG to enemies in a round-shaped area.
N Increases ATK by 30.3% every 40 sec. Lasts 30 sec.
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Has a 20% chance to decreases DEF by 14.8% when attacking. Last for 17 sec. (CD: 5 sec).
Junko New Year Icon
EX Deals 653% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a round-shaped area.
N Deals 760% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 21 Normal Attack.
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Increases CRIT.R by 19.9% when using EX-Skill or Normal Skill. Last for 20 sec.
Izumi Swimsuit Icon
EX Throws a coconut at 1 enemy to deal 532% of ATK as DMG and inflict STUN (3.1 }, then the coconut ricochets to nearby enemies to also inflict STUN and deal additional DMG (10% less DMG per ricochet, up to 5 times).
N Increases ATK by 20.2% every 35 sec. Last for 30 sec.
P Increases ATK SPD by 26.6%.
Sub Has a 10% chance to inflict STUN when attacking. Last for 2.34 sec (CD: 20 sec).
Fuuka New Year Icon
EX Decreases another ally's EX-Skill cost by a maximum of 50% (for up to 1 uses of the EX-Skill, rounding down). Also increases CRIT.DMG by 32.1% (for 35 sec). Cost reduced to 2 .
N Cast 227% of HEAL as BARRIER for 1 ally with the lowest HP every 60 sec (20 sec).
P Increases HEAL by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ally ATK by 17.3%.
Yuuka Gym Icon
EX Move to location, cast 320% of HEAL as a BARRIER (25 sec). Summon a flag and move 3 allies except yourself towards the flag and cast 320% of HEAL as a BARRIER (25 sec).
N If Yuuka does not have a BARRIER, cast 220% of HEAL as a BARRIER every 30 sec (23 sec). If Yuuka has a BARRIER, increases REC by 23.4% (90 sec). (Up to 3 times).
P Increases ATK SPD by 26.6%.
Sub Cast 59.1% MYSTIC DMG when standing still (20 sec).
Neru Bunny Girl Icon
EX Move to location, then cast 401% of HEAL as a BARRIER (20 sec). Deals 531% of ATK as DMG and TAUNTS enemies in a round-shaped area (3 sec).
N Increases EVA by 41.9% every 30 sec. Last for 23 sec.
P Increases CRIT.DMG by 26.6%.
Sub Deals 6.2 of ATK as additional DMG when attacking medium-sized enemies.
Karin Bunny Girl Icon
EX Deals 521% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a fan-shaped area. (This attack ignores 48% of the enemy's DEF.)
N Deals 192% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a round-shaped area every 25 sec. (This attack ignores 32% of the enemy's DEF.)
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Increases CRIT.R by 24.5% when using EX-Skills (40 sec).
Toki Icon
EX TOKI EX-SKILL⁠ Enter Abi-Eshufu Mode. Increases ATK by 41.8%, ACC by 18.1% and EVA by 12.2%. (Exit Abi-Eshufu Mode after using EX-Skill 3 times)
BEAM⁠ After switching modes, when using EX-Skill, the first and second attacks deals 167% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a straight line. The final attack deals 1153% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a straight line and deals 230% of ATK as additional DMG to enemies around the target. (All 3 attacks ignores 60% of the enemy's DEF).
N Deals 778% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 35 sec. (This attack ignores 60% of the enemy's DEF while in Abi-Eshufu Mode).
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub While in Abi-Eshufu Mode, when using EX-Skill, deals additional DMG depending on the EX-Skill usage.
EX-Skill 1 Time: Deals 25.6% of ATK as DMG.
EX-Skill 2 Times: Deals 51.1% of ATK as DMG.
EX-Skill 3 Times: Deals 76.7% of ATK as DMG.
(This attack ignores 60% of the enemy's DEF while in Abi-Eshufu Mode).
Hibiki Cheerleader Icon
EX Deals 140% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a round-shaped area. Deals 47.9% of ATK as additional continuous BURN DMG for 120 sec.
N Increases ATK by 22.5% for 1 ally with the highest ATK and yourself every 40 sec (30 sec).
P Increases ATK by 34% and decreases CRIT.DMG by 11.2%.
Sub Deals 6.4% of ATK as additional DMG when attacking. Increases DMG the further the enemy and decreases DMG the closer the enemy. (Maximum 2x, Minimum 0.5x).
Yuzu Maid Icon
EX Deals 1296% of ATK as DMG to enemies within a round-shaped and then additionally in a round-shaped area. Only applies 259% of ATK as DMG for overlapping attacks.
N Deals 223% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a round-shaped area every 30 sec.
P Increases CRIT.DMG by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ally ATK by 17.3%.
Nagisa Icon
EX Deals 772% of ATK as DMG to enemies within a round-shaped area. Decreases DEF by 40.2% if the enemies are Light Armor before attacking (15 sec).
N Recovers 279% of HEAL as HP to 1 ally with the lowest HP every 50 sec. If the ally is from Trinity, recovers 393% of HEAL as HP instead.
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Increases EXPLOSION ally CRIT.DMG by 24.2%.
Mika Icon
EX Deals 1540% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy. DMG is multiplied by 1~2 times in proportion to the enemy's HP. (The more HP the enemy has, the greater the DMG).
N Deals 169% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 5 Normal Attacks. Drops a meteorite that deals 339% of ATK as additional DMG every 3 Normal Skills.
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Changes all attacks to guaranteed CRIT. Increases DMG dealt by 24.2% and decreases DMG taken by 12.2% to yourself.
Tsurugi Swimsuit Icon
EX Substitutes Normal Attack with an attack that deals 167% of ATK as additional DMG (30 sec).
N Deals 362% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 35 sec.
P Increases ATK SPD by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ATK SPD by 31.9% when using Normal Skill (30 sec).
Hasumi Gym Icon
EX Deal 859% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy. Consume up to 2 Skill costs and increases DMG by 30% for each consumption of extra Skill Cost. (Cost decreases/increases skills will be calculated using base cost)
N Deal 470% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 25 sec.
P Increases CRIT.DMG by 26.6%.
Sub Deals 41.5% of ATK as additional DMG when attacking large-sized enemies.
Mashiro Swimsuit Icon
EX Decreases EVA of 1 enemy by 39.1% (30 sec). Additionally deals 1025% of ATK as DMG.
N Increases CRIT.DMG of the ally with the highest ATK by 36% every 30 sec (20 sec).
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ally ACC by 17.3%.
Azusa Swimsuit Icon
EX Deals 847% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy. Deals 650% of ATK as CHILL DMG over time (20 sec).
N Increases CRIT.DMG by 40% every 35 sec (30 sec).
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Has 30% chance to decrease DEF by 15.3% when attacking. Last for 13 sec (CD: 5 sec).
Koharu Swimsuit Icon
EX Deals 834% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a round-shaped area.
N Increases CRIT.R by 39.6% every 30 sec. Last for 25 sec.
P Increases CRIT.R by 26.6%.
Sub Deals 19.8% of ATK as additional DMG when attacking medium-sized enemies.
Hanako Swimsuit Icon
EX Deals 642% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a fan-shaped area. If the Water Gauge is at 1 or more, draws an EX-Skill and reduces the Water Gauge by 1.
N Deals 225% of ATK as DMG to all enemies in a round-shaped area every 30 sec. Decreases DEF by 20.7% (20 sec).
P Increases ATK and CRIT.DMG by 16.2%.
Sub When an ally other than the user uses an EX-Skill, charges the Water Gauge by 40%. At 100%, increases ATK by 38.3% (20 sec). (The Water Gauge can be charged to (2).
Ui Swimsuit Icon
EX Move 4 allies within a round-shaped area around the user to the user's location and increases Penetration Effectiveness by 70.1% (45 sec).
N Obtain 3 Clues to increase the Penetration Effectiveness of Striker allies by 28.9% (30 sec). Consumes 3 Clues.
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub When an ally (other than the user) uses an EX-Skill 2 times, increases ATK by 43.1% (30 sec). Grants 1 Clue.
Mari Gym Icon
EX Recover 318% of HEAL as HP for allies in a round-shaped area excluding yourself.
N Recover 132% of HEAL as HP to 1 ally with the highest DEF every 45 sec including yourself. Increases DEF by 24.1% to the ally including yourself.(40 sec).
P Increases HEAL by 26.6%.
Sub Recover 171% of HEAL as HP to 1 ally with less than 30% HP when using EX-Skill or Normal Skill.
Hinata Swimsuit Icon
EX Deals 911% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a round-shaped area. (This attack ignores 80% of the enemy's DEF).
N Throws a water balloom at 1 enemy to deal 164% of ATK as DMG every 40 sec. If there are enemies nearby, the water balloon ricochets and deals the same amount of DMG (Up to 6 times) (This attack ignores 80% of the enemy's DEF).
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ally ATK by 17.3%.
Chise Swimsuit Icon
EX Deals 372% of ATK as DMG to 3 enemies in a round-shaped area. Inflict STUN (2.7 sec). If the enemy is under CC, deals 744% of ATK as DMG and inflict STUN for 5.3 sec instead.
N Deals 451% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 50 sec. Inflict STUN (3.1 sec).
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Deals 57% of ATK as CHILL DMG when using EX-Skills (20 sec).
Shizuko Swimsuit Icon
EX Moves 4 allies to a designated location, then casts 145% of her HEAL as a BARRIER (30 sec).
N Increases CRIT.DMG by 39.5% for 1 ally with the highest CRIT.DMG every 45 sec (36 sec).
P Increases HEAL by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ally ATK by 17.3%.
Izuna Swimsuit Icon
EX Deals 804% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy. Inflict FOCUS ASSAULT for 30 sec.
N Deals 669% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 6 Normal Attacks. Decreases CRIT.DMG.RES by 38.9% (20 sec).
P Increases ATK SPD by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ATK SPD by 30.9% every 25 CRIT (23 sec).
Michiru Icon
EX Shoot a firework that deals 803% of ATK as DMG to the first enemy in a straight line. Inflict 194% of ATK as continuous BURN DMG. Last for 20 sec.
N Increases ATK by 40.6% every 30 sec. Lasts for 20 sec.
P Increases CRIT.DMG by 26.6%.
Sub Increases CRIT.DMG by 15.9%, with an additional increases of 15.9% for every 1 Ninjutsu Research Department in the unit (excluding yourself) (max of 3 students).
Wakamo Icon
EX Deals 325% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy. Then accumulates DMG dealt to target by allies for 10 sec, and deals it as Mystic DMG in an explosion. (Accumulative DMG caps at 1322% of Wakamo's ATK) (Accumulative DMG will not trigger a CRIT.)
N Deals 369% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 25 sec.
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Deals 29.7% of ATK as additional DMG to Bosses.
Tomoe Icon
EX Increases CRIT.DMG by 20.1%, CRIT.R by 20.1%, and SPD by 30.8%, but decreases Normal Attack RANGE by 38.5% for allies in a round-shaped area (30 sec).
N Deals 447% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 30 sec.
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Deals 108% of ATK as additional DMG when attacking enemies with a BARRIER effect.
Nodoka Icon
EX Increases ally ACC by 47.9% for allies within a round-shape area (30 sec).
N Deals 421% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every 25 sec. Decreases EVA by 33.7% (20 sec).
P Increases ACC by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ally ACC by 17.3%.
Fubuki Icon
EX Increases ATK by 69.4% for 46 sec.
N Deals 361% of ATK as DMG to 1 enemy every time ammo falls below 3. Inflict STUN (2.5 sec). Reduces ammo by 3.
P Increase CC.PWR by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ATK by 33.5% when an ally other than the user uses EX-Skills for 10 sec.
Miku Icon
EX Recovers 144% of HEAL as HP for allies in a round-shaped area. Increases ATK for allies in a round-shaped area by 34% while Miku is dancing (26 sec).
N Increases CRIT.R by 37.7% for allies in a round-shaped area every 30 sec (20 sec).
P Increases HEAL by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ally REC by 17.3%.
Misaka Mikoto Icon
EX Deals 1034% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a straight line.
N Deals 228% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a round-shaped area every 50 sec. Deals 157% of ATK as continuous ELECTRIC SHOCK DMG. (30 sec)
P Increases ACC by 26.6%. Ignore Shokuhou Misaki's CONFUSION effect.
Sub Increases ATK by 21.4% when using Normal Skill (20 sec).
Shokuhou Misaki Icon
EX Deals 1468% of ATK as DMG. Inflicts CONFUSION and up to 2 additional nearby enemies in a round-shaped area (7 sec).
N Deals 604% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a round-shaped area every 30 sec.
P Increases CC.PWR by 26.6%.
Sub When Shokuhou Misaki's EX-Skill inflicts CONFUSION, increases DEF and EVA by 36.7% (20 sec).
Saten Ruiko Icon
EX Deals 847% of ATK as DMG to enemies in a round-shaped area. Cost reduced to 3.
N Increases ATK by 20.6% for 1 ally every 45 sec. (20 sec). When using Normal Skill, increases the target count by 1. (up to 3 times).
P Increases ATK by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ally ATK by 17.3%.

V • T • E

Student Firearm ATK HP HEAL Passive+ Terrain+ TBA+ TBA+
Hoshino Swimsuit Icon
Eye of Horus
Hoshino Swimsuit UE
59 1296 179 DEF/ATK
Outstanding Icon
City Icon
Nonomi Icon
Little Machine Gun V
Nonomi UE
104 511 N/A CRIT.DMG
Neutral Icon
Indoor Icon
Ayane Swimsuit Icon
Common Sense
Ayane Swimsuit UE
102 374 N/A CRIT.R
Good Icon
City Icon
Makoto Icon
Self Centeredness
Makoto UE
139 410 200 ATK
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Ibuki Icon
Bang bang! chan
Ibuki UE
83 490 139 HP
Good Icon
City Icon
Hina Swimsuit Icon
The End: Destroyer
Hina Swimsuit UE
132 550 N/A CC.PWR
Outstanding Icon
Desert Icon
Hina Dress Icon
The End: Destroyer
Hina Dress UE
152 492 N/A ATK/CRIT.R
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Ako Dress Icon
Hot Shot
Ako Dress UE
64 672 N/A HP
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Iori Swimsuit Icon
Crack Shot
Iori Swimsuit UE
154 504 N/A ATK
Outstanding Icon
Desert Icon
Aru New Year Icon
Wine Red • Admire
Aru New Year UE
139 558 N/A ATK SPD
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Mutsuki New Year Icon
Trick or Treat
Mutsuki New Year UE
164 536 N/A DEF IGNORE
Outstanding Icon
Desert Icon
Haruna New Year Icon
Haruna New Year UE
Outstanding Icon
Desert Icon
Junko New Year Icon
Diner's Outlaw
Junko New Year UE
106 507 N/A ATK SPD
Good Icon
City Icon
Izumi Swimsuit Icon
Daily Cutlery
Izumi Swimsuit UE
92 487 N/A STABLE
Neutral Icon
Indoor Icon
Fuuka New Year Icon
School Lunch Club Self-defense Weapon Type A
Fuuka New Year UE
110 499 205 HEAL
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Yuuka Gym Icon
Logic & Reason
Yuuka Gym UE
63 1088 178 HEAL
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Neru Bunny Girl Icon
Twin Dragon
Neru Bunny Girl UE
67 1071 100 HP
Outstanding Icon
Desert Icon
Karin Bunny Girl Icon
Karin Bunny Girl UE
151 585 N/A ATK
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Toki Icon
Secret Time
Toki UE
102 643 N/A ATK
Outstanding Icon
City Icon
Hibiki Cheerleader Icon
Fancy Light
Hibiki Cheerleader UE
232 378 N/A ATK
Good Icon
Desert Icon
Yuzu Maid Icon
Nyan's Dash
Yuzu Maid UE
85 520 158 CRIT.R
Good Icon
Desert Icon
Nagisa Icon
Royal Blend
Nagisa UE
123 430 268 CRIT.DMG/ATK
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Mika Icon
Quis ut Deus
Mika UE
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Tsurugi Swimsuit Icon
Blood & Gunpowder
Tsurugi Swimsuit UE
121 801 N/A HP
Neutral Icon
Desert Icon
Hasumi Gym Icon
Hasumi Gym UE
107 395 N/A CRIT.DMG
Good Icon
Desert Icon
Mashiro Swimsuit Icon
Manifestation of Justice
Mashiro Swimsuit UE
140 432 212 ATK
Outstanding Icon
Desert Icon
Azusa Swimsuit Icon
Et Omnia Vanitas
Azusa Swimsuit UE
93 566 N/A ATK
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Koharu Swimsuit Icon
Justice Black
Koharu Swimsuit UE
101 426 N/A ATK
Good Icon
Indoor Icon
Hanako Swimsuit Icon
Honest Wish
Hanako Swimsuit UE
133 645 N/A CRIT.DMG
Outstanding Icon
City Icon
Ui Swimsuit Icon
Volume Suppressor
Ui Swimsuit UE
113 508 N/A HP
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Mari Gym Icon
Mari Gym UE
53 751 270 CRIT.R
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Hinata Swimsuit Icon
Hinata Swimsuit UE
Outstanding Icon
Desert Icon
Chise Swimsuit Icon
Type 575 Howitzer
Chise Swimsuit UE
70 639 N/A ATK
Outstanding Icon
Desert Icon
Shizuko Swimsuit Icon
Sakura Bon Bon
Shizuko Swimsuit UE
64 356 165 HEAL
Good Icon
Indoor Icon
Michiru Icon
Michiru-Style Overflow Shotgun
Michiru UE
97 702 N/A ATK
Good Icon
Indoor Icon
Izuna Swimsuit Icon
Izuna-Style Super Ninja Tool
Izuna Swimsuit UE
85 936 N/A HEAL
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Wakamo Icon
Crimson Calamity
Wakamo UE
154 558 N/A ATK
Outstanding Icon
Indoor Icon
Tomoe Icon
Tomoe UE
92 429 N/A ATK
Good Icon
City Icon
Nodoka Icon
Sagittarius Knight
Nodoka UE
58 396 150 ACC
Good Icon
Desert Icon
Fubuki Icon
Valkyrie Standard Rifle No.14
Fubuki UE
87 447 N/A CRIT.R
Good Icon
Indoor Icon
Miku Icon
Live T-Shirt Cannon
Miku UE
81 443 207 HEAL
Outstanding Icon
City Icon
Misaka Mikoto Icon
Misaka Mikoto UE
104 618 N/A ATK
Outstanding Icon
Desert Icon
Shokuhou Misaki Icon
Mental Pointer
Shokuhou Misaki UE
94 678 N/A ATK
Outstanding Icon
City Icon
Saten Ruiko Icon
Saten Ruiko UE
82 536 154 ATK
Good Icon
Indoor Icon
V • T • E

Student Bond Primary Bonus Secondary Bonus Memorial Lobby[1]
Hoshino Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 2 ATK DEF Hoshino Swimsuit Live2D
Nonomi Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Nonomi Live2D
Ayane Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Ayane Swimsuit Live2D
Makoto Icon
Blue Font 2 ATK HP Makoto Live2D
Ibuki Icon
Blue Font 6 ATK HP Ibuki Live2D
Hina Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Hina Swimsuit Live2D
Hina Dress Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Hina Dress Live2D
Ako Dress Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Ako Dress Live2D
Iori Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Iori Swimsuit Live2D
Aru New Year Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Aru New Year Live2D
Mutsuki New Year Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Mutsuki New Year Live2D
Haruna New Year Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Haruna New Year Live2D
Junko New Year Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Junko New Year Live2D
Izumi Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Izumi Swimsuit Live2D
Fuuka New Year Icon
Blue Font 5 HEAL ATK Fuuka New Year Live2D
Yuuka Gym Icon
Blue Font 2 HEAL HP Yuuka Gym Live2D
Neru Bunny Girl Icon
Blue Font 4 ATK HP Neru Bunny Girl Live2D
Karin Bunny Girl Icon
Blue Font 2 ATK HP Karin Bunny Girl Live2D
Toki Icon
Blue Font 6 ATK HP Toki Live2D
Hibiki Cheerleader Icon
Blue Font 3 ATK HP Hibiki Cheerleader Live2D
Yuzu Maid Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Yuzu Maid Live2D
Nagisa Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HEAL Nagisa Live2D
Mika Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Mika Live2D
Tsurugi Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 3 ATK HP Tsurugi Swimsuit Live2D
Hasumi Gym Icon
Blue Font 2 ATK HP Hasumi Gym Live2D
Mashiro Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Mashiro Swimsuit Live2D
Azusa Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Azusa Swimsuit Live2D
Koharu Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 2 ATK HP Koharu Swimsuit Live2D
Hanako Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 3 ATK HP Hanako Swimsuit Live2D
Ui Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 3 ATK HP Ui Swimsuit Live2D
Mari Gym Icon
Blue Font 3 HEAL HP Mari Gym Live2D
Hinata Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 2 ATK HP Hinata Swimsuit Live2D
Chise Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 3 ATK HP Chise Swimsuit Live2D
Shizuko Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 5 HEAL HP Shizuko Swimsuit Live2D
Izuna Swimsuit Icon
Blue Font 6 ATK HP Izuna Swimsuit Live2D
Michiru Icon
Blue Font 6 ATK HP Michiru Live2D
Wakamo Icon
Blue Font 2 ATK HP Wakamo Live2D
Tomoe Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Tomoe Live2D
Nodoka Icon
Blue Font 6 ATK HP Nodoka Live2D
Fubuki Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Fubuki Live2D
Miku Icon
Blue Font 6 HEAL HP Miku Live2D
Misaka Mikoto Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Misaka Mikoto Live2D
Shokuhou Misaki Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Shokuhou Misaki Live2D
Saten Ruiko Icon
Blue Font 5 ATK HP Saten Ruiko Live2D
V • T • E

Material ★★★ ★★
Nebra 0Nebra 1Nebra 2Nebra 3
Nebra Disk / ネブラディスク
Mashiro Swimsuit IconHoshino Swimsuit IconFuuka New Year IconToki Icon Nonomi Icon
Phaistos 0Phaistos 1Phaistos 2Phaistos 3
Phaistos Disk / ファイストス円盤
Azusa Swimsuit IconHina Swimsuit IconKarin Bunny Girl Icon Nodoka IconMichiru IconHasumi Gym Icon
Wolfsegg 0Wolfsegg 1Wolfsegg 2Wolfsegg 3
Wolfsegg Ore / ヴォルフスエック鋼鉄
Iori Swimsuit IconNagisa Icon Ayane Swimsuit IconHibiki Cheerleader Icon
Nimrud 0Nimrud 1Nimrud 2Nimrud 3
Nimrud Lens / ニムルドレンズ
Mashiro Swimsuit IconIori Swimsuit IconChise Swimsuit IconYuuka Gym IconHaruna New Year IconMika Icon Junko New Year Icon
Mandragora 0Mandragora 1Mandragora 2Mandragora 3
Mandragora / マンドレイク
Karin Bunny Girl IconIzuna Swimsuit Icon Izumi Swimsuit IconFubuki Icon
Rohonc 0Rohonc 1Rohonc 2Rohonc 3
Rohonc Codex / レヒニッツ写本
Aru New Year IconMari Gym Icon
Ether 0Ether 1Ether 2Ether 3
Ether / エーテル
Azusa Swimsuit IconChise Swimsuit IconMika IconNagisa Icon Nonomi Icon Nodoka IconTsurugi Swimsuit Icon
Antikythera 0Antikythera 1Antikythera 2Antikythera 3
Antikythera Device / アンティキティラ装置
Mutsuki New Year IconNeru Bunny Girl Icon Tsurugi Swimsuit IconAyane Swimsuit IconShizuko Swimsuit Icon
Voynich 0Voynich 1Voynich 2Voynich 3
Voynich Manuscript / ヴォイニッチ手稿のコピー
Hina Swimsuit IconMutsuki New Year IconFuuka New Year Icon Tomoe IconFubuki IconShizuko Swimsuit IconHasumi Gym Icon
Crystal Haniwa 0Crystal Haniwa 1Crystal Haniwa 2Crystal Haniwa 3
Crystal Haniwa / 水晶埴輪
Neru Bunny Girl IconIzuna Swimsuit IconWakamo IconMari Gym Icon Izumi Swimsuit IconHibiki Cheerleader IconJunko New Year Icon
Baghdad 0Baghdad 1Baghdad 2Baghdad 3
Baghdad /
Wakamo IconHaruna New Year Icon
Totem 0Totem 1Totem 2Totem 3
Totem Pole / トーテムポール
Aru New Year IconHoshino Swimsuit Icon Tomoe Icon
Disk Pendant 0Disk Pendant 1Disk Pendant 2Disk Pendant 3
Disk-Shaped Pendant / 円盤型ペンダント
Michiru Icon
Mystery Stone 0Mystery Stone 1Mystery Stone 2Mystery Stone 3
Mystery Stone / ミステリーストーン
Yuuka Gym IconToki Icon
Golden Fleece 0Golden Fleece 1Golden Fleece 2Golden Fleece 3
Golden Fleece /
Kikuko 0Kikuko 1Kikuko 2Kikuko 3
Kikuko /

V • T • E
