Cafe (カフェ ) is a place where teachers can interact with their students in Blue Archive.
It can be unlocked after clearing Mission 2 Act 1.
General Information[]
- Cafe allows teachers to obtain Gold, AP, and the ability to increase the Affection of their students as well.
- Cafe also act as a housing system allowing teachers to decorate their cafe with furnitures.
- Furniture can be created by crafting, obtained through Event, and Achievement.
- Some students has special interaction with certain furnitures.
- Placing furniture will increase the comfort level of the cafe.
- Comfort increases the generation efficiency per hour and the limit cap of both Gold and AP.
- Comfort can be increased by upgrading the cafe using Cafe Facilities Core, which can be obtained through completing Campaign Missions.
- Placing multiple furniture from the same series will give a bonus comfort as a set effect.
- A random set of students will visit the cafe twice everyday at 04:00 and 16:00 JST.
- The number of student visiting is dependant on the cafe rank.
- Not Recruited
Student that hasn't been recruited has a chance to visit teacher's cafe. The interaction with unrecruited students are limited. - Recruited
When a student is recruited, teachers can do the following:- Teachers can increase their students' bond points, or affection simply by tapping on them when it's available.
- three yellow lines that acts as a indication will be displayed on top of the student's head.
- Headpats are refreshed every 3 hours.
- As new students visits every 12 hours, teachers can headpats their students a total of four times before the reset.
- Teachers can increase their students' bond points, or affection simply by tapping on them when it's available.
- Every 20 hours, teachers can invite a student of their choice to the cafe.
- This student can negate the rule of the maximum capacity of students allowed on the cafe.
- Example: The cafe has the capacity 5 students, but by using a invitation, a sixth student may enter even though the maximum of five is allowed.
- Some student have a variant version of their selves, and teachers can also switch to their variation through the invitation.
- However, this will consume the invitation ticket as well.
- Teachers can also increase their students' affection by gifting them gifts.
- With enough bond points, students' affection will increase.
- Gift can also be obtained through Crafting, Event, and Achievement.
- Teachers can gift their students by tapping on the gift box icon and dragging the gift to their desired student.
- While dragging, all students will have indication their likes on the gift.
- Click here for the list of on how well gift works on each students.
- While dragging, all students will have indication their likes on the gift.
- Memorial Lobby or Live2D is obtained through increasing their Affection.
- Best way to unlock students' Memorial Lobby.
Cafe Rank[]
- Teachers can upgrade their cafe by using Cafe Equipment Core, which can be obtained by clearing certain stages in normal missions.
- There are currently 15 (8 for Cafe 1 and 7 for Cafe 2) Cafe Equipment Core that can be obtained.
- Click here for more information.
- Increasing the cafe rank has it's own perks such as:
- Maximum Comfort
Comfort offers significant efficiency income for both AP and Gold. Adding furnitures to the cafe increases comfort. Use Cafe Equipment Core to increase the maximum comfort. - AP Production & Gold Production
Cafe offers passive income for both AP and Gold. - Maximum Student per visit
Increasing cafe rank can also increase the capacity of the cafe.
- Maximum Comfort
Teachers can increase the comfort by maximizing the Furniture Sets as it's much more efficient since each set can offer 1500 comfort after meeting the criteria. (The requirement most sets are around 2-7 furnitures for each set.). The AP production is extremely efficient: When a cafe reaches rank 5 (Comfort Level 3000), the cafe will continuously produce an AP rate 1.63 times faster than the original natural recovery rate which is around 24 hours worth.
V • T • E
V • T • E
- All information are taken from Wikiru.