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Analysis complete. Weaknesses identified.

~ Amau Ako

Amau Ako (天雨アコ) is one of the students studying in Gehenna Academy who wields a Handgun.

She is a member of the Disciplinary Committee.



Ako, an administrative officer of the Disciplinary Committee, belonging to Gehenna Academy!

As a capable assistant, she's always by Hina's side, working until midnight or all night, as if to say she's loyal to her beloved Chairwoman Hina. She looks like a knight in disguise.


On the surface, Ako appears to be a professional and diplomatic woman. Behind the scenes, she is thorough and strict with herself and others. This makes her an excellent manager for the Prefect Team when Hina is unavailable, but can also make her paranoid and act out of line when under stress.

Although Ako is not exactly one of the nicest students and can be difficult for others to work with, she does mean well, working to the bone for the sake of Hina and Gehenna. Ako is more standoffish and arrogant towards Sensei, but still warms up to them in the end, such that her concern for them causes unwanted stress. On the other hand, she is absolutely loyal to Hina to the point of obsession.


Ako is a well-endowed young woman, that have satin soft blue hair color. Her hair is shoulder-lenght and wavy styled into two low twin tails at the back, with a side-swept fringe and two longer strands framing the face. She has an ahoge, which is a single lock of hair that stands up from the top of the head.


Ako's halo is light grey and its have a crescent shape with a little circle in the middle. Next to the crescent is another little crescent shape figure with a line with sharp edges that intersect it.


Ako wear a black dress that reach just the upper part of the tights. The dress is side-less at the chest part, revealing kind a bit of the chest. Paired with a matching short black skirt that has a slit on the side, that reveal a kind of short piece of cloth colored in black. She also wears thigh-high black stockings that are held by the black piece of cloth with a leg garter. She also have black gloves that reach just at the back of the hand and a band around the neck that hold a little belt. Her shoes are black with a elegant style.


Ako UE Schematic

Hot Shot

She uses a black Luger P08 pistol with a blue grip and trigger.



V • T • E Share Reconnaissance Data Cost:3
  • LV01 ~ Increases CRIT.R by 27.2% and CRIT.DMG by 50.5% for 1 ally. (16 sec).
  • LV02 ~ Increases CRIT.R by 29.2% and CRIT.DMG by 54.3% for 1 ally. (16 sec).
  • LV03 ~ Increases CRIT.R by 33.3% and CRIT.DMG by 61.9% for 1 ally. (16 sec).
  • LV04 ~ Increases CRIT.R by 35.4% and CRIT.DMG by 65.7% for 1 ally. (16 sec).
  • LV05 ~ Increases CRIT.R by 39.5% and CRIT.DMG by 73.3% for 1 ally. (16 sec).

V • T • E Supply Plan B Skill Icons
  • LV01 ~ Recovers 129% of HEAL as HP for 1 ally every 45 sec.
  • LV02 ~ Recovers 135% of HEAL as HP for 1 ally every 45 sec.
  • LV03 ~ Recovers 141% of HEAL as HP for 1 ally every 45 sec.
  • LV04 ~ Recovers 167% of HEAL as HP for 1 ally every 45 sec.
  • LV05 ~ Recovers 174% of HEAL as HP for 1 ally every 45 sec.
  • LV06 ~ Recovers 180% of HEAL as HP for 1 ally every 45 sec.
  • LV07 ~ Recovers 206% of HEAL as HP for 1 ally every 45 sec.
  • LV08 ~ Recovers 212% of HEAL as HP for 1 ally every 45 sec.
  • LV09 ~ Recovers 219% of HEAL as HP for 1 ally every 45 sec.
  • LV10 ~ Recovers 245% of HEAL as HP for 1 ally every 45 sec.

V • T • E Initiate Support Skill Icons
  • LV01 ~ Increases Heal by 14%.
  • LV02 ~ Increases Heal by 14.7%.
  • LV03 ~ Increases Heal by 15.4%.
  • LV04 ~ Increases Heal by 18.2%.
  • LV05 ~ Increases Heal by 18.9%.
  • LV06 ~ Increases Heal by 19.6%.
  • LV07 ~ Increases Heal by 22.4%.
  • LV08 ~ Increases Heal by 23.1%.
  • LV09 ~ Increases Heal by 23.8%.
  • LV10 ~ Increases Heal by 26.6%.

V • T • E Please leave the support to us! Skill Icons
  • LV01 ~ Increases ally CRIT.DMG by 9.1%.
  • LV02 ~ Increases ally CRIT.DMG by 9.5%.
  • LV03 ~ Increases ally CRIT.DMG by 10%.
  • LV04 ~ Increases ally CRIT.DMG by 11.8%.
  • LV05 ~ Increases ally CRIT.DMG by 12.3%.
  • LV06 ~ Increases ally CRIT.DMG by 12.7%.
  • LV07 ~ Increases ally CRIT.DMG by 14.5%.
  • LV08 ~ Increases ally CRIT.DMG by 15%.
  • LV09 ~ Increases ally CRIT.DMG by 15.5%.
  • LV10 ~ Increases ally CRIT.DMG by 17.3%.

V • T • E Skill Status (Hover Over) Status Effect
EX-Skill Normal Passive Sub UE

Buff - CRIT.R

Buff - CRIT.R Critical Rate Up
Increase the chance of landing a critical hit


Buff - CRIT.DMG Critical Damage Up
Increase critical damage dealt by critical hits
Cross 2

Buff - HEAL

Buff - HEAL Healing Up
Increase the amount of healing


Buff - CRIT.DMG Critical Damage Up
Increase critical damage dealt by critical hits

Buff - HEAL

Buff - HEAL Healing Up
Increase the amount of healing

Growth Material[]

EX-SkillV • T • EGrowth Material
Gehenna EX-Skill Disc 0
Phaistos 0
Gehenna EX-Skill Disc 1
Gehenna EX-Skill Disc 0
Phaistos 1
Baghdad 0
Gehenna EX-Skill Disc 2
Gehenna EX-Skill Disc 1
Phaistos 2
Baghdad 1
Gehenna EX-Skill Disc 3
Gehenna EX-Skill Disc 2
Phaistos 3
Baghdad 2

Other-Skills (Normal / Passive / Sub)V • T • EGrowth Material
Gehenna Skill Book 0
Gehenna Skill Book 0
Gehenna Skill Book 1
Gehenna Skill Book 0
Phaistos 0
Gehenna Skill Book 1
Phaistos 1
Baghdad 0
Gehenna Skill Book 2
Gehenna Skill Book 1
Phaistos 1
Baghdad 0
Gehenna Skill Book 2
Phaistos 2
Baghdad 1
Gehenna Skill Book 3
Gehenna Skill Book 2
Phaistos 3
Baghdad 2
Gehenna Skill Book 3
Phaistos 3
Baghdad 2
Ultimate Skill Book

Unique Equipment[]

V • T • E Hot Shot (ホットショット) Firearm
Ako UE The pistol that Ako carries.
It is an important item that was handed to Ako when she was appointed as an administrative officer after a lot of painstaking efforts. She carries it with her all the time and takes very good care of it.

V • T • E Limit Break Firearm
Ako UE Star 2 IconStar 2 Icon Passive skill enhanced to "Initiate Support+"
Star 2 IconStar 2 IconStar 2 Icon Indoor Icon⁠ enhancement to Outstanding Icon
Star 2 IconStar 2 IconStar 2 IconStar 2 Icon
Star 2 IconStar 2 IconStar 2 IconStar 2 IconStar 2 Icon

V • T • E Stats Firearm
Ako UE LV01 LV30 LV40 LV50 LV60 LV70
ATK 65 236 295 354 413 472
HP 462 1680 2101 2521 2941 3362

200 726 908 1089 1271 1453

V • T • E Initiate Support+ Firearm
Ako UE
  • LV01 ~ Increases HEAL by 680. Also increases HEAL by 14%.
  • LV02 ~ Increases HEAL by 714. Also increases HEAL by 14.7%.
  • LV03 ~ Increases HEAL by 748. Also increases HEAL by 15.4%.
  • LV04 ~ Increases HEAL by 884. Also increases HEAL by 18.2%.
  • LV05 ~ Increases HEAL by 918. Also increases HEAL by 18.9%.
  • LV06 ~ Increases HEAL by 952. Also increases HEAL by 19.6%.
  • LV07 ~ Increases HEAL by 1088. Also increases HEAL by 22.4%.
  • LV08 ~ Increases HEAL by 1122. Also increases HEAL by 23.1%.
  • LV09 ~ Increases HEAL by 1156. Also increases HEAL by 23.8%.
  • LV10 ~ Increases HEAL by 1292. Also increases HEAL by 26.6%.

Unique Item[]

Amau Ako does not have Unique Item.


Affection Rank BonusV • T • EAffection
Guruguru Usagi
Memorial Lobby
Blue Font 5
Total Stats ~ ATK+89 / HP+860
LV02 ~ 05ATK+1
LV06 ~ 10ATK+2
LV11 ~ 15ATK+3 / HP+40
LV16 ~ 20ATK+4 / HP+48
LV21 ~ 30ATK+1 / HP+8
LV31 ~ 40ATK+1 / HP+13
LV41 ~ 50ATK+2 / HP+21



  • Amau means "rainy weather" (天雨).
  • Ako (4) is written in katakana (アコ), which has no special meaning. However, when written in kanji (亜古, 亜子, 亜心, 亜都, 亜虹, 亜恋 or 亜湖), it could possibly mean:
    • 亜古 - "ancient".
    • 亜子 - "second, Asia" (亜) (a) and "child" (子) (ko). (This writing is used in the Chinese version, so it can be assumed that this is her actual name.)
    • 亜心 - "second, Asia" (亜) (a) and "heart, mind, soul" (心) (ko).
    • 亜都 - "second, Asia" (亜) (a) and "metropolis, capital" (都) (ko).
    • 亜虹 - "second, Asia" (亜) (a) and "rainbow" (虹) (ko).
    • 亜恋 - "second, Asia" (亜) (a) and "love" (恋) (ko).
    • 亜湖 - "sub lake".


  • She shares many similarities to Kuwakami Kaho, including:
    • Both being vice presidents for their respective clubs.
    • Both being obsessed with a club member (Hina for Ako, Chise for Kaho).
    • Having standing arts where the poses are somewhat mirrored versions of each other.
    • Both having side boobs.
    • Both being 17 years old.

See Also[]

Amau Ako (Dress verStar IconStar IconStar IconStrikerAko (Dress)
Offensive Icon
Defensive Icon
EX Increases CRIT.R by 19.8% and CRIT.DMG by 57.5% for all allies within a round-shaped area (30 sec). Accumulates 1 Successful Protection stack for every ally affected (Up to 15 stacks). 5
N Decreases DEF by 24% for 1 enemy (22 sec), then deals DMG depending on the amount of Successful Protection stacks accumulated.
3 or less: Deals 942% of ATK as DMG.
4 to 7: Deals 1010% of ATK as DMG.
8 to 11: Deals 1111% of ATK as DMG.
12 or more: Deals 1212% of ATK as DMG.
P Increases MAX HP by 26.6%.
Sub Increases ATK by 5.7% depending on the amount of Successful Protection stacks accumulated.


V • T • E Student by Schools
Abydos Icon Nonomi IconNonomi Swimsuit IconSerika IconSerika New Year IconSerika Swimsuit IconAyane IconAyane Swimsuit IconShiroko Terror IconShiroko IconShiroko Riding IconShiroko Swimsuit IconHoshino IconHoshino Armed IconHoshino Swimsuit Icon
Gehenna Icon Fuuka IconFuuka New Year IconJunko IconJunko New Year IconAko Dress IconMutsuki IconMutsuki New Year IconMakoto IconSena IconChinatsu IconChinatsu Hot Spring IconHaruka IconHaruka New Year IconKasumi IconHaruna IconHaruna Gym IconHaruna New Year IconSatsuki IconChiaki IconIroha IconKayoko IconKayoko Dress IconKayoko New Year IconAru IconAru Dress IconAru New Year IconMegu IconIori IconIori Swimsuit IconIzumi IconIzumi Swimsuit IconHina IconHina Dress IconHina Swimsuit IconIbuki IconJuri IconAkari IconAkari New Year IconKirara Icon
Millennium Icon Himari IconToki IconToki Bunny Girl IconYuzu IconYuzu Maid IconYuuka IconYuuka Gym IconYuuka Pajamas IconAsuna IconAsuna Bunny Girl IconAsuna Schoolgirl IconEimi IconEimi Swimsuit IconChihiro IconKarin IconKarin Bunny Girl IconKarin Schoolgirl IconMaki IconMaki Camp IconKoyuki IconNeru IconNeru Bunny Girl IconNeru Schoolgirl IconAkane IconAkane Bunny Girl IconHibiki IconHibiki Cheerleader IconHare IconHare Camp IconSumire IconKotama IconKotama Camp IconMidori IconMidori Maid IconMomoi IconMomoi Maid IconUtaha IconUtaha Cheerleader IconAlice IconAlice Maid IconKotori IconKotori Cheerleader IconRio IconNoa IconNoa Pajamas Icon
Trinity Icon Hifumi IconHifumi Swimsuit IconMine IconMine Idol IconHanae IconHanae Christmas IconShimiko IconHasumi IconHasumi Gym IconYoshimi IconYoshimi Band IconMari IconMari Gym IconMari Idol IconTsurugi IconTsurugi Swimsuit IconNagisa IconUi IconUi Swimsuit IconAiri IconAiri Band IconKazusa IconKazusa Band IconMika IconSuzumi IconIchika IconKoharu IconKoharu Swimsuit IconAzusa IconAzusa Swimsuit IconMashiro IconMashiro Swimsuit IconSerina IconSerina Christmas IconHanako IconHanako Swimsuit IconSakurako IconSakurako Idol IconReisa IconHinata IconHinata Swimsuit IconSeia IconNatsu Icon
Hyakkiyako Icon Pina IconMichiru IconRenge IconKaede IconYukari IconTsubaki IconTsubaki Guide IconShizuko IconShizuko Swimsuit IconKikyou IconWakamo IconWakamo Swimsuit IconIzuna IconIzuna Swimsuit IconKaho IconMimori IconMimori Swimsuit IconTsukuyo IconUmika IconChise IconChise Swimsuit Icon
Shanhaijing Icon Rumi IconReijo IconMina IconKisaki IconKokona IconShun IconShun Young IconSaya IconSaya Casual Icon
Red Winter Icon Momiji IconNodoka IconNodoka Hot Spring IconMeru IconMarina IconMarina Qipao IconShigure IconShigure Hot Spring IconCherino IconCherino Hot Spring IconTomoe IconTomoe Qipao IconMinori Icon
Valkyrie Icon Kirino IconKirino Swimsuit IconFubuki IconFubuki Swimsuit IconKanna IconKanna Swimsuit Icon
SRT Icon Miyu IconMiyu Swimsuit IconMoe IconMoe Swimsuit IconSaki IconSaki Swimsuit IconMiyako IconMiyako Swimsuit Icon
Arius Icon Atsuko IconAtsuko Swimsuit IconMisaki IconSaori IconSaori Swimsuit IconHiyori IconHiyori Swimsuit Icon
Schale Icon 3 Miku IconMisaka Mikoto IconSaten Ruiko IconShokuhou Misaki Icon
V • T • E Student by Clubs
Abydos High School
Countermeasures Committee Takanashi HoshinoSunaookami ShirokoShiroko TerrorKuromi SerikaOkusora AyaneIzayoi Nonomi
Event Variant Takanashi Hoshino (Swimsuit)Takanashi Hoshino (Armed)Sunaookami Shiroko (Riding)Sunaookami Shiroko (Swimsuit)Kuromi Serika (New Year)
Kuromi Serika (Swimsuit)Okusora Ayane (Swimsuit)Izayoi Nonomi (Swimsuit)
Gehenna Academy
Pandemonium Society Hanuma MakotoNatsume IrohaTanga IbukiKyougoku SatsukiMotomiya Chiaki
Disciplinary Committee Sorasaki HinaAmau AkoShiromi IoriHinomiya Chinatsu
Handyman 68 Rikuhachima AruAsagi MutsukiOnikata KayokoIgusa Haruka
Gourmet Research Society Kurodate HarunaAkashi JunkoShishidou IzumiWanibuchi Akari
School Lunch Club Aikiyo FuukaUshimaki Juri
Emergency Medicine Club Himuro Sena
Hot Spring Department Kinugawa KasumiShimokura Megu
Sparkle Club Yozakura Kirara
Event Variant Sorasaki Hina (Swimsuit)Sorasaki Hina (Dress)Amau Ako (Dress)Shiromi Iori (Swimsuit)Hinomiya Chinatsu (Hot Spring)
Rikuhachima Aru (New Year)Rikuhachima Aru (Dress)Asagi Mutsuki (New Year)Onikata Kayoko (New Year)Onikata Kayoko (Dress)Igusa Haruka (New Year)Kurodate Haruna (New Year)
Kurodate Haruna (Gym ver.)Akashi Junko (New Year)Shishidou Izumi (Swimsuit)Wanibuchi Akari (New Year)Aikiyo Fuuka (New Year)
Millennium Science School
Seminar Tsukatsuki RioHayase YuukaUshio NoaKurosaki Koyuki
Veritas Kagami ChihiroKonuri MakiOmagari HareOtose Kotama
Cleaning&Clearing Mikamo NeruIchinose AsunaKakudate KarinMurokasa AkaneAsuma Toki
Engineering Department Shiraishi UtahaNekozuka HibikiToyomi Kotori
Gym Training Department Otohana Sumire
Paranormal Affairs Dept Akeboshi HimariIzumimoto Eimi
Game Development Dept Hanaoka YuzuSaiba MidoriSaiba MomoiTendou Alice
Event Variant Hayase Yuuka (Gym)Hayase Yuuka (Pajamas)Ushio Noa (Pajamas)Konuri Maki (Camp)Omagari Hare (Camp)Otose Kotama (Camp)Mikamo Neru (Bunny Girl)Mikamo Neru (Schoolgirl)Ichinose Asuna (Bunny Girl)Ichinose Asuna (Schoolgirl)Kakudate Karin (Bunny Girl)Kakudate Karin (Schoolgirl)Murokasa Akane (Bunny Girl)Asuma Toki (Bunny Girl)Shiraishi Utaha (Cheerleader)Nekozuka Hibiki (Cheerleader)Toyomi Kotori (Cheerleader)Izumimoto Eimi (Swimsuit)Hanaoka Yuzu (Maid)Saiba Midori (Maid)Saiba Momoi (Maid)Tendou Alice (Maid)
Trinity General School
Tea Party Kirifuji NagisaYurizono SeiaMisono Mika
After-School Sweet Club Ibaragi YoshimiYutori NatsuKurimura AiriKyouyama Kazusa
Justice Realization Committee Kenzaki TsurugiHanekawa HasumiShizuyama MashiroNakamasa Ichika
Knight Hospitaller Aomori MineAsagao HanaeSumi Serina
Supplementary Lesson Dept Ajitani HifumiShirasu AzusaShimoe KoharuUrawa Hanako
Trinity Vigilante Uzawa ReisaMorizuki Suzumi
Library Committee Kozeki UiEndo Shimiko
Sisterhood Utazumi SakurakoIochi MariWakaba Hinata
Event Variant Kyouyama Kazusa (Band)Kurimura Airi (Band)
Ibaragi Yoshimi (Band)Kenzaki Tsurugi (Swimsuit)Hanekawa Hasumi (Gym)
Shizuyama Mashiro (Swimsuit)Aomori Mine (Idol)Asagao Hanae (Christmas)
Sumi Serina (Christmas)Ajitani Hifumi (Swimsuit)
Shirasu Azusa (Swimsuit)Shimoe Koharu (Swimsuit)
Urawa Hanako (Swimsuit)Kozeki Ui (Swimsuit)
Utazumi Sakurako (Idol)Iochi Mari (Gym)Iochi Mari (Idol)Wakaba Hinata (Swimsuit)
Hyakkiyako Alliance Academy
Yin-Yang Club Kuwakami KahoWaraku Chise
Hyakkaryouran Fuwa RengeKiryuu KikyouKadenokouji Yukari
Festival Mgt Committee Kawawa ShizukoAsahina PinaSatohama Umika
Etiquette Training Society Kasuga TsubakiMizuha MimoriIsami Kaede
Ninjutsu Research Dept Chidori MichiruKuda IzunaOono Tsukuyo
Seven Prisoners Kosaka Wakamo
Event Variant Waraku Chise (Swimsuit)Kawawa Shizuko (Swimsuit)
Kasuga Tsubaki (Guide)Mizuha Mimori (Swimsuit)Kuda Izuna (Swimsuit)Kosaka Wakamo (Swimsuit)
Shanhaijing Senior Secondary School
Xuanlong Office Ryuuge KisakiKonoe Mina
Training Support Dept Sunohara ShunSunohara Kokona
Chinese Alchemy Study Club Yakushi Saya
Xuanwu Merchant Association Akeshiro RumiKayama Reijo
Event Variant Sunohara Shun (Young)Yakushi Saya (Casual)
Red Winter Federal Academy
Red Winter Office Renkawa CherinoSashiro TomoeIkekura Marina
Public Workers Department Yasumori Minori
Knowledge Liberation Front Himeki MeruAkiizumi Momiji
No. 227 Special Class Amami NodokaMayoi Shigure
Event Variant Renkawa Cherino (Hot Spring)Sashiro Tomoe (Qipao)Ikekura Marina (Qipao)Amami Nodoka (Hot Spring)Mayoi Shigure (Hot Spring)
Valkyrie Police Academy
Public Safety Bureau Ogata Kanna
Life Safety Bureau Nakatsukasa KirinoNemugaki Fubuki
Event Variant Ogata Kanna (Swimsuit)Nakatsukasa Kirino (Swimsuit)Nemugaki Fubuki (Swimsuit)
SRT Special Academy
RABBIT Platoon Tsukiyuki MiyakoSorai SakiKazekura MoeKasumizawa Miyu
Event Variant Tsukiyuki Miyako (Swimsuit)Sorai Saki (Swimsuit)Kazekura Moe (Swimsuit)Kasumizawa Miyu (Swimsuit)
Arius Branch School
Arius Squad Joumae SaoriHakari AtsukoImashino MisakiTsuchinaga Hiyori
Event Variant Joumae Saori (Swimsuit)Hakari Atsuko (Swimsuit)Tsuchinaga Hiyori (Swimsuit)
Collaboration Hatsune MikuMisaka MikotoShokuhou MisakiSaten Ruiko